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F/C: favorite color

Imagine: you unexpectedly find a phone number and decide to text it...

You: Hello?

After a few minutes, you received a text in response.

Unknown: Who's this?

You: I shouldn't be telling my name to strangers, but it's Y/N

Unknown: Nice name

You: Thanks :)

Unknown: So... Do u want to get to know each otter?

Unknown: *other... Stupid auto-correct

You: lol Sure

You: Got nothing better to do

Unknown: I know it's the most basic question but, what's your favorite colour?

You: Colour? Are you British? And it's F/C (no offense to British people)

You: What's yours?

Unknown: Yes I'm British lol and it's green (I actually don't know his favorite color)

You: Green is not a creative color

Unknown: Did you just...?

You: Yes, I did

Unknown: I like you already

You: hahaha

You: You probably wouldn't say that in person

Unknown: Who knows? Maybe I would

Unknown: We should meet each otter

Unknown: *other

You: You sure?

You: You're not gonna kidnap me or anything right?

Unknown: No, of course not! I'm not a pedophile type of person!

You: OK, just making sure

You: Where should we meet?

Unknown: Are we even in the same country?

You: I'm in the US

You: U?

Unknown: Me 2

Unknown: NYC?

You: Yeah! How about we meet in Central Park in 10?

Unknown: Sounds good

Unknown: I'll be wearing a black coat with a red rose

You: OK got it

After ten minutes went by, you arrived at Central Park and searched around for the mysterious person. You walked around, hopeful, and a little nervous. You really hoped he or she didn't turn out to be a creepy person. Eventually, you found him. He was wearing a long black coat and was holding a red rose. Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open as you realized it was Benedict Cumberbatch.

You went up to him and he asked, "Y/N? Or just a random fan?"

"No, it's Y/N. I can't believe I've been texting Benedict Cumberbatch this whole time!"

He laughed, "I brought you this." He handed you the rose.

You smelled it and smiled, "Thank you."

You spent the rest of the afternoon simply walking and talking and getting to know each other. At the end of the day, you said goodbye in your apartment doorstep and he kissed your cheek, promising to see you again. That night, as you laid in your bed, you received a notification.

Benedict💗: Good night, love! ;)

You smiled and squealed on the inside as you happily texted back.

You: Good night!

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