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A/N: Thank you so much for over 1K reads!! And voting, and commenting, etc.!! I wasn't expecting it to get that far but I'm very happy it did!

Also, this one's gonna be a bit strong, (like someone dies strong) so if you're not comfortable with that then you can skip it or... I don't know what goes on in your life.


Stephen's PoV

She was perfect. I loved everything about her. Her eyes, her smile, her hair, her name... Everything. She made me feel like no one ever had, and she always found a way to make me smile. She was my obsession.

But then he arrived. (Now that I think about it, I think I made him yandere-like... oh well) He was her new apprentice. Slightly older; handsome; made her laugh. I hated it when he made her laugh. Her laugh was beautiful, but it felt wrong when she laughed for him.

And I hated the fact that he controlled me like that. That she controlled me like that. I hated to see him with her, but I also hated that I felt the need to do whatever she asked me to. I was under a spell she didn't even know she cast me in.

But when I saw them sitting next to each other in the main room, I knew I had to find a way to break them apart and gain Y/N's attention. While she was explaining different fighting techniques and drawing them for a visual aid, I sneaked behind her and grabbed her shoulders. It startled her and she pointed her pen at me defensively.

"Did you just attempt to defend yourself with a pen?" I asked.

"Some see a pen, I see a harpoon (|-/)," she answered nonchalantly.

"Okay, well anyway... Don't you think it would be better to actually fight him instead of drawing pictures?"

"I wouldn't want to hurt him," she whispered in my ear.

"Well then I can hurt him for you," I offered.

She punched my arm, "Don't say that!"

"I'm serious! It would be very easy actually. He fights like a mouse."

"You can't possibly mean that..."

"You have no idea of the things I would do for you."

She smiled at my comment, and the whole world seemed to instantly get brighter. I had to hurt him. For her.

I planned it all out that night. I could just hurt him and prove my point; or kill him and impress Y/N. I went with the second option (I'm not a psycho I promise).

I knew he usually stayed awake after everyone had already gone to sleep to train, so that seemed like the perfect time to kill him. He wouldn't be expecting it, and there wouldn't be any witnesses. So, after I heard the last goodnights, I went after him. I grabbed a knife and made my way over slowly and silently.

Just as expected, he was training by himself and I carefully approached him, making sure he didn't notice me. I held up the knife, and he saw the dark. I made sure not to leave any evidence behind.

The next day, I was expecting Y/N to run into my arms with joy to know that he wouldn't get in our way anymore, but instead I found her crying. Wong was comforting her, and I couldn't make myself move. The one thing that I hated the most was to see her sad.

The previous day I would have been sharing the news with pride, but something told me that it wouldn't be the best decision. So I walked over to them and tried to keep my cover, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"S-someone k-killed John. W-we found his b-body this m-morning," she said between sniffles.

"That is... Terrible. I am so sorry, Y/N. Do you have any idea of who the murderer could be?" I tried to sound concerned.

Wong looked at me with a suspicious expression. He was pretty good at telling when I was lying, so I had to be careful. But I worried about the wrong person.

"N-no, not at all. But who would possibly want to kill him?" She thought for a second, and her eyes widened. "It was you! Wasn't it?!"

Fake shock replaced my serious gaze, "No! Of course not! Why would you think that?"

"You were acting so jealous recently... You even mentioned you would hurt him for me! I can't believe you were actually serious when you said you were serious! You're crazy, Stephen! You're not the man I had fallen in love with..."

"You loved me?"

"Yes! And it took a death for you to realize... Well, it's too late now. I never want to see you again."

And you never did.


A/N: I couldn't stop laughing while I wrote this... Maybe I have a problem... And if you laughed too then... Maybe we have a problem... But whatever, I know this one was a bit weird... but did you like it anyway?

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