Valentine's Day Special

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A/N: Get ready for some extra fluff filled with adorable pictures! I'm working on another chapter which I'll be able to finish and post in a few days! Happy Valentine's day!

I'll add this picture just because yes.


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It hurt so much. You had a headache, and your nose was runny, and you were very close to getting a fever. You had caught the dreaded cold. When you woke up from your short nap, you found Stephen sitting in a chair in front of your bed, looking at you intently.

 When you woke up from your short nap, you found Stephen sitting in a chair in front of your bed, looking at you intently

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"Caught a cold?" He asked.

You sniffled, "Yeah..."

He got up and sat next to you on your bed, and gave you a kiss on your forehead.

"Yep; I think you got a fever, too," he concluded, and wrapped his arm around you.

"You shouldn't stay so close to me... You'll get a cold if you do," you warned him.

"Oh well," he snuggled closer. "You're worth it."

You smiled and closed your eyes, embracing the embrace. Then you sneezed, which unfortunately ruined the moment.

Stephen got up, "I'll go get you a box of tissues... And a glass of water... And a bell just in case you need anything."

"I'm fine..." You didn't want him to go into so much trouble, but then you coughed and that was enough for him to know that you needed his care.

He arrived a few minutes later with all of the necessary objects. He left them on your bedside table and placed his hands on his hips.

"Maybe there's a spell to cure a cold..." He mumbled. He then opened a portal big enough for his arm to fit through and grabbed a book. He sat on the chair and flipped through the pages quickly.

"No, nothing," he huffed in disappointment. "There are spells to manipulate time and there's not one to cure a simple cold?" He asked in disbelief.

"I guess it's just too simple for the mystic arts..." You commented.

"I guess..." He sighed. "I just hate to see you like this."

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