The Monster Within: Part 2

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Ever since you returned to your cult (I don't know what else to call it) everything was different. You no longer felt accepted, or that you were an important part of the team that many admired. Your failure to kill Stephen disappointed the leaders and you still didn't understand why you failed in the first place. It couldn't have been Stephen, couldn't it?

You were snapped out of your thoughts by the shouts of the caped people, "You failed us! We will not handle any more mistakes!"

"You have to understand!"

"Silence!" The leader stepped forward.

"But he means well! He could help us!"

"No! He stands against what we believe in."

"Violence and war?"

"It's what's needed in order to save our part of society."

"I'm starting to think that is accomplishing more harm than good. I can't work for you anymore if you're going to keep hurting people. I was blind to see at first, but now I know who my real enemies are. You."

"Fine then! Leave and never return! But you won't ever be able to erase the past... If you leave us, there's a high chance they won't accept you."

"That's a chance I'll have to live with."

So that night you packed your things and left to Kamar-Taj.

The trip was relatively short and accessable by foot since it was located close to your ex-lair, so it took only a few days to arrive at the door of the temple. You sighed, ready to face possible rejection, and knocked.

It took some minutes, until Wong opened the door. He looked at you with a confused expression. Unlike your first encounter, this time you were wearing simple clothes instead of a battle suit.

"What are you doing here? I thought it was clear that you aren't welcome," he said.

"I know... But I've changed now. I don't want to hurt people anymore, and I'm sorry for harming your students before."

"Fine, but that still doesn't answer why you're here."

"When I turned to the good side, my group banned me from staying with them. I have nowhere else to go but here," you paused. He still didn't seem convinced. "And I know I can be useful. I heard Mordo left your team. You could use another warrior like me."

He considered it for a second, until that second turned into a minute. Finally, he moved out of the way and let you in.

As he guided you to a room, you finally got the opportunity to appreciate the temple's architecture and decorations. Although when you smelled tea, you were instantly reminded of your hunger and tiredness. You hadn't slept or eaten well in days, and you were ready for a snack and a nap (basically my version of Netflix and chill).

After you settled in your new room, you asked Wong for directions to the kitchen. After he finished talking and left, you rushed to the kitchen. Unfortunately, you ended up rushing into Stephen, and you looked up at him in embarassment. Being so close to him reminded you of the last time you met and the kiss you shared, which made you blush, even though you tried to hide it. You were starting to understand why you were so weak during your mission, but you denied it nonetheless.

"What are you doing here? I thought it was clear that you aren't welcome," he said.

"I think you've been spending too much time with Wong; he said literally the same thing."

"That doesn't answer my question."

You ended up having basically the same conversation you previously had with Wong and he finally accepted your presence. But you could tell he still didn't trust you. You had played with him, and he didn't like that.

Then, again, you remembered your hunger but as you tried to walk past Stephen, his cloak stopped you.

"Why isn't it letting me pass? I just want to go get food." (my phone literally suggested "restaurants near me" after I typed that 😂)

"I guess it still doesn't trust you."

"Well, look cloak, I'm good now. But if you don't let me walk, I'll be starving."

It still didn't trust you, and you were forced to spend bonding time with Stephen until it did.

Unfortunately, it's idea of "bonding time" didn't include eating, so you spent your afternoon walking, talking, and general stuff like that. And after a while, you felt like you reached another level in your relationship (like the Sims), and you stopped in the main room of the temple. The kitchen was close, but you didn't want to sound pushy, so you stayed quiet, in awkward silence, until he spoke up.

"So, about those abilities you had. Do you still have them?"

You laughed, "Which ones?"

"The one that gives you that voice."

"You want me to enchant you again?"

"No! I was just wondering, you know... Maybe for another time..."

"Sure, okay..." You laughed again. "But who says I can't enchant you without that voice?"

"I doubt you can."

"Then I'll prove you wrong," so you made the most flattering face you could and you got really close, and let's say it ended up in a pretty heated make out session.

And you still didn't get your food.


A/N: So I was able to make this part a little longer, and the ending is up to you if you prefer it to end in the same room or not 😉 Yeah... I'm not the best at writing or thinking dirty stuff like that... But I hope you liked it! I have two more chapters on the way although I'm not sure when I'll post them

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