The Monster Within

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You remembered it like it was yesterday. You woke up in a sort of pool, hearing people chanting a type of ancient spell.

That night everything about your life changed. That night you became one of the fiercest warriors in the world, and you had to obey them. The people covered in black - you never even saw their faces. The people that had turned you into that monster.

You had already killed other warriors; other masters of the mystic arts. And that day you were assigned a new mission. A mission to kill Doctor Strange.

You had to learn everything about him. His relationships, his past... you memorized it all. And his picture... you could stare at it all day. But you couldn't have feelings for anyone. You weren't allowed to.

So the next day you left to kill him.

It was harder than it seemed. When you arrived at Kamar-Taj, everyone seemed to have been recovering from some sort of loss. You used that distraction to attack them, but when they noticed you, they fought back intensely. But you were able to defeat them. Their tactics seemed all too familiar.

As one of them was recovering you asked him, "Where can I find Doctor Strange? And don't lie; I'll know."

"H-he's outside... practicing."

You ran out the door, and when you saw him, it was like you had known him all your life. He turned around and his eyes widened when he saw you. He was just talking to Mordo about you the other day.

"They call her 'the Siren'," Mordo explained. "She can apparently make anyone fall in a trance with her eyes and her voice, until they're distracted enough to be killed."

"Is she of any worry to us?"

"Shouldn't be. As long as we don't anger her bosses."

But they did. They were friends with Kaecilius, and they didn't like him dead. So now you were standing in front of him, and you prepared your signature tricks.

Your eyes began to glow and your voice changed to one that would be expected to belong to an angel.

"Stephen Strange-"

"Doctor Strange," he tried to resist your gaze.

"Doctor Strange, I have to admit... you look better in person," you said as you placed your arms around his neck and played with his hair.

"Really?" You could tell he was starting to fall.

"Yes. Look at those cheekbones... I could cut myself slapping that face." (Anyone get the reference?)

You then noticed him glancing at your lips.

"No, we can't move that fast, Strange. I still have a job to do."

He shook his head, and he remembered Mordo's warning.

"Right. You want to kill me," he said as he pushed you away.

"Don't be silly! I don't want to kill you... I just have to. It's how the world works."

"Don't you have a choice?"

"If I did I wouldn't be here. If I did I would be traveling around the world. Possibly in the mirror dimension, where no one could see me. People can get annoying sometimes. Like right now. Why aren't you falling for my spell?"

"I guess my intellect is just too strong."

"No, everyone always has a weakness. What's yours? A former lover?"

"No. I'm over her."

"Are you sure about that? What was her name... Christine?"

He looked down after hearing her name.

"Yes, Christine! Oh, how sad. I could never stand to see someone with those puppy eyes," you started to get close to him again. "I think you need someone else to help you forget her."

And with those words you made your lips meet. He didn't react at first, but then he returned the kiss and it became more passionate. You used the distraction to summon a knife and you slowly lifted it to his back, but someone stopped you.

Wong attacked you and you dropped to the ground.

"What did you do?" Stephen asked, still in the trance.

"She was about to kill you!"

He then remembered again and snapped out of it. But as he looked at you gasping on your knees on the ground, a part of him hurt.

You were able to escape, but ever since that day, you couldn't get him out of your head. You didn't know why, but for some reason you knew he was special.


A/N: Was that any good? I feel like I rush them a little, but I am still new to this. And the reference was from Sherlock if anyone was wondering.

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