The Apprentice

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A/N: Three consecutive chapters! Yay! And since the last few chapters have been fluffy I thought I would make this one more serious


Ever since your accident, you were never the same. Your joints grew weaker and you could barely do anything without support. That's why when you heard about the possible miracles of Kamar-Taj, you immediately searched for tickets to Tibet. (I'm still confused if it was in Tibet 'cause it was shot in Nepal, but I remember reading somewhere that in the MCU it was in Tibet? Oh well)

With the help of a tour guide, you arrived at the doors of the famous temple. You had to admit it didn't look very majestic from the outside. Minutes went by after you knocked, until you were greeted by a serious-looking bald man. He looked you up and down and then closed the door. After about two more minutes, he opened the door again and let you in. You assumed he was asking a superior if it was good for you to enter.

He guided you to the main room, without saying a word, and left you alone with another man. He looked at you intently and you got lost in his blue-gray eyes for a second before asking, "Are you the one that's in charge?"

"I guess so, yes," he answered, but you could tell the matter made him sad for some reason.

"Well, then, can you teach me the mystic arts? Rumor has it that you can heal any wounds."

"I can only teach you how to heal them."

"Then will you?"

"No," he turned around and walked away.

"Why not? You said you could!" you called after him.

"That doesn't mean I want to," he stopped with his back still facing you. "I've just recently learned how to heal my own wounds, and the only person who could properly teach you is... dead."

"Oh... I'm so sorry... wait- does that mean you're Stephen Strange? I heard about you! You're the one that saved us from... Dormammu, was it?"

"Doctor Stephen Strange, but that's not important. Wait, how did you know his name?" he turned to face you.

"I studied some facts about the mystic arts and the bad guys before coming here. He's the one that most closely matched the description."

"Oh," he walked away again.

"Stop! I'm not going to leave until you teach me! I understand you're hurt, but I'm hurt, too! Everything I do causes me pain... even walking."

He sighed, "Fine. Be ready in an hour. I'll be waiting for you outside."

"Thank you."

Since you were ready before that, you decided to explore around the temple. You found a library and you decided to snoop around. Unfortunately, the same bald man from before was guarding it.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I was just looking for some books."

"Okay, but don't touch the ones that are locked. Only the Sorcerer Supreme can use them," he warned you.


But as soon as he left for a break, you walked past his desk and looked for the chained books. When you found them, you tried to take one out but it wouldn't budge.

"What are you doing here? Those books are sacred!" Stephen made you jump.

"I'm sorry! Gee... You people need to calm down," then the effect of the surprise weighed on you and you nearly fell to the ground. Thankfully, Stephen caught you, but your face was left inches apart from his.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine... thank you for catching me."

"No problem," he helped you stand and let go of you. "So, I never learned your name..."

"It's Y/N."

After that encounter, you went outside to the training section of the palace, where Stephen handed you a sling ring. He explained you could only manipulate the mystic arts while wearing it so you put it on. After about six tries you still couldn't make it work, and you sat down on the ground in disappointment.

"Maybe I'm not meant for this..." you mumbled.

"Yes, you are. The same thing happened to me when I first started learning and look at me now. You're a lot like me in that regard. Now get up and keep practicing."

You slowly got up, trying not to cause yourself too much pain, and tried again. Seeing as it was futile, Stephen decided he had to use the same method the Ancient One had forced upon him.

He created a portal just above the ocean and said, "You'll need to create a portal to survive."

"Are you serious?! I can't do that, I'll die!"

"I have faith in you. You should, too. Now hold your breath," and with that he pushed you inside the portal and you fell to the water.

You tried to swim, but your bad joints prevented you from doing anything. You looked around and you saw a shark coming your way. You panicked and you almost let go of your breath. You tried to make a portal but only sparks of light appeared in front of you. The shark was getting closer and you were running out of breath. Your vision was growing blurry and with your last hope, you opened a portal to the temple. You made your way inside and fell on the ground in front of Stephen, soaking wet. You gave him a death stare and he helped you get up.

"I'm never doing that again!" but then you remembered you had just made a portal. "Wait... I made a portal! I actually created a portal!"

"See, I knew you could do it," he said.

"Just because I'm proud of myself doesn't mean I'm not mad at you," you walked away and made your way to your room.

You grabbed some towels, dried yourself, and changed into dry clothes. Then, you fell on your bed and laid there for a while, until you heard a knock at your door. You said, "Come in," and Stephen walked inside.

"Oh, it's you..." you commented in disappointment.

"I just wanted to apologize. I guess I should have given you something less physically demanding."

"It's fine... I may not have liked it, but at least it got me to open a portal so... thanks."

He smiled and sat next to you. He opened his arms and you hugged him and, to your surprise, his cloak hugged you, too.

"Did your cape just hug me?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that. It sort of has a mind of its own."

"Cool. Does it have a name?"

"It's the Cloak of Levitation."

"Well it's nice to meet you cloak," when you said that, the cloak hugged you tighter and it left you uncomfortably close to Stephen, but you kinda liked it. You definitely bonded that night, and you were proud to say you were his apprentice.

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