I was tagged! Part 1

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I was tagged by AlexissEngel so here it is:

1. I have a lot but the Star Wars series will always be very special to me. If you think of them critically, they aren't the best movies, but I still love them.

2. "The Invention of Hugo Cabret" by Brian Selznick. It's such an amazing book imo! It does have a lot of pictures though but most of them are ​hand drawn and they are so well done.

3. Red

4. "Rat" by EinatSegal. I haven't finished reading it yet but it's great so far. I'll probably read more of her stories in the future.

5. I don't have one. There's too many great writers to choose from.

6. I don't know who to tag but here goes nothing: -MelodyRose- Sherlockgreenleaf Jessiedisneygeek XxDappledstormxX HarryHedgehog -memequewn InspectorLestrudel Sarcastic-lil-shite bmar5067 BusyBeingTrash

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