You Make Me Smile

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A/N: I'm still not convinced about the title so... If you have any suggestions let me know!

Also I finally watched La La Land and I loved it!! I don't know what you guys thought but yeah...


It was hard for you to keep the secret. Ever since you found the sling ring, you discovered mind-bending mystical powers, but you didn't know what to do with them. Then you heard of Kamar-Taj, and you knew you had to go. Maybe they would help you understand how to use them, and could possibly give you a purpose. What you didn't think of before you arrived was that your shyness would get in the way. It always did, and you hated it. It was like an inner blurryface that you couldn't get rid of (yes I did a TØP reference).

But you were going to fight it. You weren't going to give up the chance to study magic. Who would? So you knocked on the door and a man with grey-blue eyes and dark hair answered.

"May I help you?" he asked.

You were ready to say "Yes, I'm here to learn about the mystic arts. Also, you are one very attractive man" and then make a flirty face and ride off into the sunset, but all that came out of your mouth was, "Uhh... Hi," and a small wave.

"Hi," he looked at you strangely (get it? sorry...) and asked again, "May I help you?"

You sighed, "Yes. I'm-uh looking for someone to teach me," you were finally able to answer.


"No, cooking. Yes, magic!"  Is what you wanted  to say, but instead you simply answered, "Yes."

"Well, I'm sorry but I can't just teach anyone..." You removed the sling ring from your pocket and showed it to him, "Come in."

He showed you inside and your mouth fell open in awe, "If you're impressed by this then you'll pass out when I show you what your ring can really do."

You were only able to create sparks when you wore it, so your expression changed to worry when you heard him say that.

He noticed, "Oh, don't worry, I was only kidding. Maybe."

He stopped in a large room and signaled you to take a seat on one of the cushions that were laid out in the middle.

After you both settled down he commented, "You don't talk much do you?" You shook your head in response. You hated it when people felt the need to ask that, but you kept it to yourself. "Shy?" You nodded. "Well, you can trust me. You can tell me anything you want." You nodded again, as your way of saying thank you.

After that short conversation, he proceeded to teach you everything he knew, and you were left with your mind blown. Thankfully though, you didn't pass out. But during the lesson, while you were practicing some fighting techniques, he noticed you didn't smile once. He guessed it was because you didn't want to show your emotions in fear of judgement, or just because you were very concentrated, but either way he promised himself he would make you laugh. What he didn't notice was that he had said it out loud and the cloak heard him, and then it got ideas of its own.

He told you to punch him, and you raised one of your eyebrows in confusion (I still wish I could do that). He reassured you it wouldn't hurt him, so you did as he said. To your surprise, his cloak stopped your fist before it could even touch him. You backed away with your eyes wide open. "How did it- what?" was your response.

"It's great isn't it?"

"Yeah. What else can it do?"

"Well-" he started, before the cloak spun him around. "What are you doing?!" Stephen shouted. The cloak ignored him as it carried Stephen from one side of the room to another, making him end up in the most ridiculous of positions. You smiled, and then your smile turned to a giggle, and as the cloak spun him around one more time, you were trying very hard to contain your laughter.

It finally let Stephen go and he ended up out of breath, he fixed his hair and said, "Go on, you can laugh." You let out all of your laughter, and you couldn't remember when was the last time you laughed so much. He smiled, and added, "It's nice to see you laugh. That was actually my goal. I feel accomplished now." (#IFeelAccomplished2017 jk I don't know what's wrong with me today)

The cloak made a position as if it was placing its imaginary hands on Stephen's waist in anger. He realized and asked in confusion, "What? Oh, I get it. You want the credit for making Y/N laugh, don't you? Well, if it wasn't for me you would have just looked like a kite flying around." The cloak then crossed its "arms" on Stephen's chest, clearly pissed off.

"It's okay, you both made me laugh," you commented. You really appreciated how much they cared to see you smile, and you were finally feeling more comfortable around them. You hugged Stephen and the cloak and they both hugged you back. You then looked up at Stephen and the cloak pushed you closer until your lips met. You blushed and quickly pulled away, but Stephen pulled you back in and you kissed until you were out of breath. Your experience was  definitely worth the risk.


A/N: So... what did you think? I don't know if I accurately captured the essence of being shy, even though I was (and still kind of am) shy myself, but I think it worked out okay right?

Also, I have about three more chapters planned so look out for those... I might finish them by today or tomorrow, I'm not sure...

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