Starting Over: Part 2

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"Who are you?" the dreaded words finally escaped your lips.

The Ancient One looked down, searching for a good way to explain the situation, "We are your friends. You forgot us after a group of villains erased part of your memories."

"Really?" You attempted to recall at least one memory with all of them in it, but you failed. "How is that possible?"

"Well, all of us are... sorcerers," she paused. "I know it must be hard to believe but..." she created a portal and your eyes widened. When you woke up, you didn't expect to be greeted by magic-wielding sorcerers.

"Oh my- what on Earth is going on?" You began to panic, with a slight burn of excitement.

"Relax, relax!" The Ancient One tried to calm you down with a hug.

You exhaled and looked at the four people standing in front of you, melancholy clearly shown in their eyes. The woman of the four was bald, with wise eyes, and somehow you knew that she wasn't as young as she seemed. The next was pensive as he studied your reaction, and seemed to be very strong-willed. The following was shorter, but appeared to be a strong guardian and a loyal friend. Finally, your eyes fell on the tall man with striking blue eyes. His gaze reflected that of love and deep affection, a kind of gaze you didn't remember to have ever received before; although that wasn't much to say ever since you lost your memory. You looked away sadly. You would have loved to remember them, but not a single moment with them found its way to your mind.

The Ancient One seemed to notice as she took your hands in hers, "It's okay. You don't have to feel bad. It wasn't your fault."

"I know... but you seem to care so much about me, and I- I can't return that feeling," tears began to fill your eyes. "I really want to, but I can't."

The Ancient One sighed in response, "How about you spend some time with each of us? I don't expect it to return your memories, but at least you'll get to know us like you did before."

You nodded, "Okay."

For a few hours, you talked to your old friends while they gave you a tour of the temple, attempting to remind you of where everything was located. Mordo talked about your training, and your fun adventures around India as you saved unsuspecting tourists from burglars. Wong reminded you of the hours you spent joyfully reading the interesting past of the Kathmandu temple, and the way you introduced him to other artists apart from Beyoncé. The Ancient One took you on a trip through the multiverse and you were left mind-blown. Stephen, on the other hand, had trouble coping with the idea of a new beginning. As you talked, you could notice the sadness in his expression, and a slight guilt of not being able to prevent the situation. You tried to lighten the mood, but eventually, he couldn't handle it.

"I- I'm sorry, Y/N. I can't do this... You mean so much to me, I can't just start over like nothing happened between us," he hesitated before continuing. "I love you."

You smiled in surprise as you could tell he wasn't lying, "We both know I can't remember anything but, from this little time we've spent together, I can already tell I loved you, too."

He gave a big smile before it turned into a smirk, "You know, there's something I promised I would do after the spell."

"Oh? And what is that?" You asked curiously.

He slowly got closer before fully leaning in and kissing you passionately. You hesitated for a second before kissing back, and it became more heated. Then you remembered you were out in the public, so you pulled away.

"Good thing I know how to plan ahead," you laughed.

"Yes," he agreed while returning the laugh and pulling you in for a hug.

After spending enough time with your friends, things were returning back to normal. It took a while, but you slowly began to unexpectedly bring back some memories. And just like you had agreed with Stephen before, you made new ones.

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