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WARNING: Mature content, as in mentions of alcohol and drug abuse, physical abuse, and use of profanity; although nothing is explicitly detailed.

It was hard for you to move away. It always was. But this time it was permanent. You couldn't bear to see your old house anymore. It was the place where your nightmares were born. Where your dad got drunk and hit you. Where he tried to rape you. Where your mom didn't even care and insulted you for disobeying him. Tears welled up in your eyes from just thinking about it, and your mind played tricks on you and reminded you of the pain.

But you kept telling yourself that it wasn't the time to remember the past. You were presently walking around your new school, Rose High-school, trying to find your classes, and the memories didn't help with keeping focus. For the whole day, you tried to act like nothing bad had happened to you before - actually being friendly was one example - but everyone seemed to have heard rumors about your past, so they didn't look at you kindly. The fact that your whole outfit consisted of black-colored clothing didn't help either.

So, eventually, you snapped. When you heard a girl whisper about you as you entered your next class, you yelled at her, and you didn't exactly say nice things. You were even close to hitting her, but decided it would be too much. Unfortunately, hit her or not, the teacher gave you a detention.

As you entered the room, you shared looks with the other students there, and you seemed to be the one in the worst shape. You took a seat near the back as the bell rang, and the man in charge stood up. (I don't know how detentions work so I just based it on the Hollywood way. Sorry if it's inaccurate.) He cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses, and spoke of the rules, "Okay, I just want to make it clear that I don't care about your excuses of why you're here. If your teacher decided it was best for you to be here, then I won't argue with them. Second, please be quiet. Detentions are the only periods I get to do nothing and I would prefer this to be one of them. Third, you aren't allowed to use your phones, so I don't want to see them. Is that clear? And if I take out my phone, don't even dare come to me with 'but you got your phone out!' because I won't give a shit!" Some of the students widened their eyes in surprise of his attitude, but you rolled your eyes. It didn't compare to what your family had done to you.

The guy sat next to you noticed and scoffed, "Of course you would be used to this! You're the girl with daddy issues, right?"

You looked away, "Shut up."

"Why? Afraid of what I have to say?" He chuckled.

"I said, shut up!" Your tone grew louder.

"Hey! What did I say? Keep it quiet!" The counselor shouted.

The guy didn't stop and kept mocking you every five minutes. You got up and pulled his chair out forcefully. He fell to the ground and his head hit the floor. He slowly got up and brought his hand to the back of his head, and you could see tears forming in his eyes. "Not so strong now, are you?" You mocked him in return.

"Okay, that's enough! You, young lady, outside, with me!" The counselor gestured you to follow him as he opened the door. You did as he said and crossed your arms when you were finally outside. The counselor closed the door behind him and turned to you. "What's the problem with you?"

"Oh, I don't know... Maybe the fact that my dad got drunk 24/7 and mistreated me! The fact that he attempted to rape me once, and hurt me every day after that because I didn't obey! The fact that my mom just smoked and drunk her way through it all, without even giving a fuck about me! The fact that she insulted me whatever chance she got! And the fact that they're both in jail now and they didn't even apologize; that they were happy to get rid of me. Maybe that's all what's wrong with me!" You yelled and cried, not afraid to let it all out.

He sighed and rubbed his glabella, "Sorry, I- I thought you were just another hormonal teenager trying to stand out... Tell you what, I'll get you some help."

"I don't need help," you stated.

"Um sorry, but you clearly do. I know someone that could be of some use. I think he's the right person to 'rehabilitate' you," he said.

You rolled your eyes at his wording and nodded, "Who might that be?"

"Stephen Strange," he answered. "After detention's over, you can both stay after school and talk."

You sighed, "Fine."

Finally, your time in boring detention was over, and you walked over to where the counselor said Stephen would be waiting for you. You knocked on the door and, who you supposed was Stephen, answered it. You were met with a mix of blue-green eyes, and dark black hair. "You must be Y/N. I'm Stephen," he introduced himself and held out his hand.

You shook it in response, "I assumed so." You walked past him and sat on one of the desks.

"Nice to meet you, too," he sat on the desk in front of you. "So, why did they send you here?"

"I have issues, obviously," you answered nonchalantly. By that point, you didn't care what he thought of you.

"Right; I heard you were abused," he recalled.

"Yeah," you tried to avoid the swarming thoughts that invaded your brain.

"Let me see," he stated.

"Wow, Stephen. I didn't know you would want to move that fast," you joked, attempting to prevent him from seeing your scars.

"I'm serious," he persisted.

"Hi, Serious. I'm Y/N," you playfully said.

He gave you a look which you understood meant he wasn't kidding around, so you agreed. You slowly removed your shirt and left your camis on. Your skin revealed scars from all sizes running down your arms and, even through the thin fabric of your camis, some scars could be seen around the rest of your upper body. You cringed while looking at them again, but Stephen's expression showed no emotion. The look in his eyes then revealed sadness, even though you had just met a few minutes before that. "I'm so sorry," he finally said lowly.

"Isn't it funny how people apologize for things they had no part in doing? It does show caring, I guess, but I don't understand it sometimes," you replied.

"You're used to this, aren't you?" He asked.

You sadly nodded. He surprisingly enveloped you in a hug and you tensed for a second before hugging back. You had forgotten how a hug felt like so you gladly accepted it, although you were still getting used to the idea of receiving affection again. You spent the rest of the night talking and sharing your experiences, and you unexpectedly became friends.

You hanged out together a lot more since then, and you soon began to see a change in his actions. He seemed to almost be acting bolder, expressing his complaints to other people instead of locking them up, and acting out when someone's actions didn't appeal to him. You didn't know why he was showing such a change, but his friends - and your new ones - kept teasing him about how he was trying to impress you. You always laughed at their comments, giving Stephen the benefit of the doubt, but eventually you began to suspect him.

With every passing day that he was sent to aid you, the both of you grew closer, and you were afraid to admit that you were falling for him, without realizing that he was falling for you, too. Every time you went out with your friends, they never failed to make comment on how you would make a great couple, and how Stephen was ready for another girlfriend. He brushed them off as usual, but sometimes you saw a tinge of a blush form on his cheeks and a spark in his eyes.

Finally, there came a session where he chose not to talk about your issues, and you didn't feel like talking about them, either. You were ready to let go of your past and look forward to the future, so you thanked him with a hug, but there was a different feeling in the air than the first time you met. As you looked into each other's eyes, you could see a hint of hesitation in his blueish-green orbs. You could sense his intentions as he moved closer, and you brought your lips to meet his. He started out softly, to make sure you were okay with it, and then the kiss became passionate. He bit your lip to ask for an entrance, and you denied it to tease him, but eventually gave in. You didn't know what the future had in store for you, but something told you that it was going to be great.

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