The Unexpected Trainer

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A/N: Over 2k reads!!! Ahh!! :D Thank you! It's the farthest I've ever gotten!
Anyway I hope you enjoy it! And I'm so sorry it took so long for me to post this one...😔 And also sorry for the large amount of dialogue, I guess when I think about different scenes in my head I picture them as a movie type of thing and I'm not the best at filling spaces...


The rain kept pouring down with every second. Your vision was blurry as the droplets of water covered your eyes. You didn't realize you were crossing the street until you heard the noise of the cars buzzing by. They zoomed past you, but it was too late to turn back, so you kept walking. Seconds turned into minutes as you heard your heart beating against your chest. Eight year old you was all alone. And then it happened. Metal clashed with your skin and you were torn apart from the ground until you fell back against the concrete. You couldn't breathe, but then the world changed, you were... traveling back in time, and you felt yourself moving to the front of the car again. But before it could hit you one more time, a person covered in golden robes took you in their arms and through a... portal.

They placed you down on the floor of a temple and covered you in a towel. They turned out to be a she as she removed her hood. She took a tea pot and poured the warm liquid onto a cup. She handed it to you as she asked, "What's your name?"

"Y-Y/N..." When you finally calmed down, all the questions started to flow into your mind. "Who are you? What happened with the cars and the crash and-and-"

"Relax, child. You're fine now. I saved you."

"But how?"

She smiled, "It's complicated to explain. Let's start by introducing myself; I'm the Ancient One."

Ever since that day, she took care of you as if you were her daughter. After a long enough time, you began to forget about your real parents - especially since they abandoned you - and you started to consider her to be your mother. She taught you the secrets of the mystic arts, and even how to use them. Soon enough, you were teaching yourself behind her back, and you became her top and favorite student. Until it all changed.

Stephen Strange was his name. He had been in a car accident, like you would have been, and his hands were in a state that he could not tolerate. And you couldn't tolerate any of him. Mordo brought him in, he introduced himself to the Ancient One, and she kicked him out. Before you couldn't stand him, you were the one that convinced the Ancient One of teaching him. Mordo insisted with you, but you were always her best advisor.

"Thank you," he came up to tell you when he found out you were responsible for his entrance.

"It's no problem. You should thank Mordo, too, actually; he was the one that brought you here in the first place."

"Yes, of course, I already did, but I heard you had the major influence. Are you and the Ancient One close?"

"Yes. She's like the mother I never had. I would be dead by now if it wasn't for her," you looked away. You didn't like to think of what would have been if the Ancient One hadn't been there to save you.

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"Good! You're together! I wanted to announce something," the Ancient One said after she found you. "Y/N, I want you to train Stephen."

"What? No! I can't do that!" you responded.

"Y/N, there's something important going on that I have to take care of. I'm too busy to train Stephen right now and you're the best student I have."

"What's going on that's so important? Do you need my help?"

"Training Stephen is all the help you can provide."

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