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Imagine: You are famous as F/P (I don't know if it would work with the situation but, just to give you a choice: your favorite career position) and someone begins to stalk you....

You walked around the streets of your hometown while covering your face. Your fame as a/an F/P was growing, and the paparazzi was getting especially good at finding your whereabouts. Unfortunately, you weren't counting on another threat. You heard a camera shutter coming from your right side and looked around, wondering who it could be. You couldn't find anything suspicious, so you kept walking.

Eventually, you heard footsteps behind you, following your every move. You looked behind you at a corner, but you only found an attractive guy waiting by the crossing signal, looking down at his phone. You dismissed your worries and continued your path. In your head, you analyzed your memory of the man, and realized that you saw a glimpse of a camera lens coming out of his coat pocket. Your breath quickened. For a few days, you had been feeling like you were being followed wherever you went. It then thankfully stopped for a while, but now it was back. You knew that someone was chasing you, and you knew it wasn't simply paparazzi.

You tried to ignore it, and finally arrived home safely. You relaxed and let go of the breath you didn't notice you were holding. You lazily laid down on your sofa, tired from your hard work. You turned the TV on, and jumped out of delight when you saw your favorite show appear. Then, you noticed a letter laying on the coffee table in front of you, a beautiful red rose placed above it. You picked the letter up hesitantly, and looked at it. It was closed with a wax seal, so you removed it delicately. The letter was written with neat handwriting, but you could tell it belonged to a man.

My dearest Y/N,

I know that you've recently discovered my presence. I understand it must be hard to cope with the idea of a stalker, if you would like to use that term, but I promise you that I would never harm you in any way.

You are truly the most beautiful lady I have ever set my eyes on, referring to both your appearance and personality. I would do anything to be able to have even a simple conversation with you, to have you all to myself.

I promise I won't ever let you be in danger, for you are the most important person in the world to me.


You didn't know how to react. You had never been in a situation like that before, and the fact that he was able to get into your apartment scared you, but you appreciated his words. Thinking about it stressed you out, so you walked over to your coffee machine and turned it on, plugging in the correct settings for your coffee. It was done in a few minutes and you sipped the warm liquid as it traveled down your throat. As you sat back down on the sofa with your coffee, it wasn't enough to prevent your eyes from drifting sleepily. After setting your half-finished cup of coffee down, you slowly fell asleep, and you started to forget about your worries of a stalker.

The next day after work, you didn't feel anyone following you, so you relaxed. You saw the same man from the previous day out of the corner of your eye, which you assumed was Stephen, but you decided to ignore him. But you soon couldn't seem to ignore his presence as his gaze tracked every one of your steps through the sidewalks.

He then became the least of your problems as paparazzi abruptly began chasing you. Stephen came out of nowhere and wrapped his arm around you, sending shivers down your spine. He pulled you into an alleyway and placed his arms on both sides of your head, resting his forehead on yours. You heard the reporters' footsteps walk alongside the alley as you held your breath. The last thing you wanted was for the media to follow you and know where you lived. They finally gave up and left, their footsteps leaving your hearing range. You then looked into Stephen's eyes, remembering your position. You both blushed slightly as you felt each other's breaths against your lips. You were inches apart, a moment he had dreamt of hundreds of times. He couldn't help but to unconsciously lean in, and you did the same without realizing it.

Rain drops hit your uncovered hands all of a sudden, making you flinch at the unexpected droplets of water making contact with your skin. The moment broke as you both looked up at the sky, gray clouds forming above you. The rain only became stronger, so Stephen covered you with his long coat and you hid your head under the space he had created. You rushed to your apartment, quickly opening the door as you arrived. Stephen shook his coat before stepping into your living room.

You turned to him with a shy smile, "Thank you for covering me..."

He looked up at you suddenly, not expecting your comment, "Oh, I... I would do anything for you."

Your heart skipped a beat. You knew that he cared about you, he made it obvious, but you didn't know he would go that far. "I don't know what to say..."

"Then don't say anything," he simply stated. "I know it must be hard to comprehend the fact that you have a stalker."

"It kind of is, yeah," you agreed. "So, you're admitting to it? To being my stalker?"

"I guess so..." He looked down, embarrassed.

Your heart fluttered at his weak expression, but you didn't quite understand why. You couldn't actually be falling for your stalker, could you? But you couldn't deny what you felt when you were standing so close to him in the alleyway. You had to test your feelings. The only way you could properly do so would be from physical experience. So you made a decision.

You walked up to him hesitantly, playing with your fingers. You embraced him and he looked at you, a look of confusion and shock on his face. You brought your lips close to his, doubting your actions. It was too late to stop, so you closed the gap between your lips. He tensed, clearly not expecting your actions. He had been waiting for that moment for so long, but when it finally arrived, he didn't know how to react. He finally came to the conclusion that he shouldn't waste that opportunity, so he kissed back roughly. He wrapped his arms around your waist and slightly lifted you up off the ground.

He pinned you against the wall and the kiss became passionate, and you could sense the butterflies swarming inside you. He slipped his tongue in as you played with his hair. He started to remove his shirt but you stopped him.

"I-I don't think I'm ready," you stuttered. You were just discovering your feelings, and it was hard for you to admit that you would like to grow a close relationship with your stalker. He seemed to understand, so he left his shirt on and proceeded to kiss you again. He moved down to your neck and collar bone as you listened the raindrops tap against your windows.

He hummed in annoyance as he heard the ringing of your phone. You giggled a bit at his response and walked over to your phone, despite Stephen's begging eyes. You answered it and was surprised to hear your agent/boss's voice. She said pictures appeared on the news of you and a man running away from the reporters. The headlines asked Y/N's new boyfriend? dramatically. She knew you wanted to keep your privacy secure, so she usually let you know about stories like those. You thanked her and said that you were okay with it. As you looked at Stephen again and your inexplicable feelings returned, you knew that the headlines weren't lying. He would be your new boyfriend, after all.


A/N: My mind has been everywhere lately, so I don't remember if there were any imagines I had to work on. If you have any requests I was supposed to publish by now, or just any requests in general, let me know!

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