Old Friends

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A/N: So... I've realized that these author notes and the ones within the chapters must be annoying, so I'll get rid of them in future chapters, and I've also been thinking that my writing may not be up to its best potential, so I'll try to improve it.


Y/F/N: Your full name

Imagine: You and Stephen went to college together and then meet again...

You quivered as you walked to the nearest hospital, so you brought the hems of your coat closer to your neck. You noticed the small clouds forming in front of you as a result of your warm breaths against the crisp winter air. You knew it would have probably been easier to take a cab, but the hospital was close enough for you to walk to and not bother with one.

As you opened the doors, you were instantly greeted by the warm air of the heater. You approached the receptionist and asked for an appointment, just as you saw a familiar face walk by. He noticed you and steadied his hurried pace towards you. You analyzed him and soon remembered his name.

"Stephen Vincent Strange, was it?" you asked when he finally arrived at your side.

He looked down with a smirk, "I just go by Doctor Strange now, Y/F/N."

You gave a light chuckle, "Okay then. So, Doctor Strange... I hear you are the top neurosurgeon. How does it feel?"

He smiled proudly, "Wonderful."

"Well, don't let it get to your head," you smiled back.

"It might be too late for that," he laughed. "What have you been up to?"

You looked down, embarrassed, "I'm uh- a stripper. I came here to check if I was pregnant..."

His eyes were filled with shock, "W-what?"

You burst out laughing at his reaction, "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I'm actually an aspiring actress, but it's not going too well with my son. He's the reason why I'm here. I think he has a cold, but I want to make sure it's not some big disease I'm not aware of."

He looked a little disappointed after hearing that, but rejoiced when he didn't find a ring on your finger, "Oh. And how did you end up with a son?"

"After doing something I shouldn't have done with someone I shouldn't have met," you semi-clearly stated.

He nodded, "I see. Does that mean you're available?"

"I finally find my best friend after ten years, and he asks me out after five minutes? Why did it take you so long in college?" you asked with a laugh.

"I don't know... maybe I was intimidated by the hot new girl," he winked.

"Are you saying I'm not hot now?" you teased him.

"No, no, I just... Don't pull me into a trap!"

"Sorry," you chuckled, before regaining your serious expression. "But, I'm afraid I'm not exactly ready to date again. My ex's betrayal hit pretty hard. Especially on my little boy. I don't think he's over him yet, and I don't want to rush into another relationship. I hope you can understand..."

He nodded slowly, processing your response. It had been a long time since he got rejected by someone other than Christine, "Yes, I understand. So, how about we just become friends again? Like the old times?"

You smiled, "I'd like that."

Unfortunately, you didn't have much time to catch up. Just after you finished your conversation, Stephen was called to treat a patient, but he didn't hesitate on giving you his phone number. Something he stupidly forgot to do in college. During the surgery, his friend curiously asked about you.

"So, Stephen... got a new girlfriend?" he asked.

The question took him by surprise, which was unlucky for the patient, but he soon regained his position, "No, she's just an old friend from college. A good friend."

He raised an eyebrow, "How good?"

Stephen shook his head, "Not anything like that. I already told you; we're just friends."

But no matter how much he repeated it to himself, he wasn't completely comfortable with the idea. He was determined to go out with you, even if it meant befriending your son first. So, after work, he called you and was greeted by a little boy's voice.

"Hello?" he said before letting out an adorable sneeze.

"Hi, um- is this Y/N's son?" Stephen asked.

"Yeah, who are you?"

"I'm one of your mom's friends, Stephen."

"Oh, I heard about you! I read about you in my mommy's diary thingy!" he cheerfully said, as if he had just discovered something like Sherlock.

"Really?" Stephen asked with curiosity. "Tell me more."

"Okay, that's enough!" he heard your voice suddenly say.

"But mommy!" your son called out while you took your phone from his tiny hands.

"Sorry, he makes stuff up like that sometimes," you told Stephen.

"That's not tr-" you interrupted your son before he revealed too much.

Stephen laughed, "That's fine. I just wanted to ask if you were free to go out sometime?" he paused. "I know you said that you weren't ready, but we can take it slowly. Just start by simple conversations and move up from that."

You sighed, "I'll consider it. But don't be disappointed if I say no."

"I promise not to be."

You smiled, "Good night, Stephen. Someone here is going to have an extra early bed time for sharing too much information without his mom's permission!"

"But mommy!" your son complained for the second time.

The three of you laughed and a part of you was sure that you would become more than friends with Stephen eventually.


A/N: So... better, worse, or can't even tell the difference? And just as a little self promo, I was thinking of starting a YouTuber imagines book. Would any of you be interested in that? It wouldn't interfere with this book, I hope. And yeah, I think this will be the last author note except for the really important updates.

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