It's Marvelous

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A/N: Yes I did a pun... I stand by it.

Imagine: It's your second time acting as Miss Marvel in the next Avengers movie, and Benedict and Tom Hiddleston both take an interest in you.

As you were doing your line reading, you couldn't concentrate. Your inner fangirl was going crazy. All of the Avengers were there, including two of your favorite British actors: Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston. Every time they said their lines, you paid them extra attention. They could make literally anything sound interesting. (I remember I watched a video where Tom was reading mathematical formulas or something and he was making them sound sexy 😂) It therefore took extra effort for you to concentrate on your lines, and it wasn't a lie to say you messed up a few times. Thankfully, Scarlett (Johansson) helped you so you weren't too lost.

After the line readings, Scarlett came up to you, "Hey, Y/N! I have to say I'm impressed with your work as Miss Marvel. It's nice to have another bad-ass girl next to all the boys."

"Thanks! But I'm afraid I'm not as bad-ass as she is," you responded.

"I'm sure you can be. But anyways, I noticed you were a little distracted with your lines... Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, of course! It's just that, you know, coming from a stand-alone film to all of this is kind of strange (no pun intended - or no phun intended jk)."

"Right, I understand. I'm still waiting for my stand-alone film, though," she chuckled nervously. "But are you sure there wasn't something else that was distracting you?"

She noticed, "Pfft, no... Yes? Okay, it's just that I admire Benedict and Tom so much, it's kind of distracting..."

"Admire or like? Or even love?"

"It's not that bad."

She giggled, "Sure. But I actually heard rumors that someone heard an argument going on between them. I'm pretty sure they were fighting over you. It's the old "good friends falling for the same person" dilemma."

"What? That can't be true... I barely talked with them."

"Well, whatever you said apparently made a difference!"

"We were just talking about how good the catering was! How could that make an impact?"

"I don't know... Maybe they were really hungry," she said before walking away.

You pondered. Was what Scarlett said true? You went around and asked everyone - except Ben and Tom - if they heard the rumor, too, and they all said yes.

You couldn't believe it. Your two biggest celebrity crushes actually returned your feelings. If you were up in the clouds before, now you were all the way into space; and it was going to be hard to bring you back down.

But you still didn't understand what it was that you had said which turned out to be so memorable, or controversial. So you played the moment back in your head...

You saw Tom and Benedict chatting next to the buffet and you knew that would be one of the few chances you would get to speak to them - apart from shooting the scenes - so you walked over to them.

"Hey guys!" you said.

They turned to you, "Oh, hey Y/N. How are you doing?" Tom answered.

"Good," you looked over to the food. "How's the food?"

"Great," Ben said with half a mouth full.

You picked one of the snacks and tried it, "Mmm. This is great!" (Sorry if I'm making anyone hungry)

"Right?" Tom agreed.

After you swallowed, you kept chatting with them, "I'm so happy that I have the chance to work with you guys! It's really... It's marvelous. (roll credits) I really love your acting skills!"

"Thanks, but I'm better, aren't I?" Tom asked with a smirk.

"Please. Everyone knows I'm the better actor. Right, Y/N?"

"Well, I couldn't possibly choose between you. You're both great. I mean Ben is so (insert adjective of preference), while Tom is so (insert adjective). It's impossible to choose between you two."

"I guess. But if you had to choose one of us to... date or something, who would you choose?" Benedict asked curiously.

"The one with the letter "e" in his name," saying that turned out to be one of the worst decisions you ever made.

As you got back down to reality, you heard Ben and Tom arguing. You stepped closer and listened in on their conversation.

"She said with the letter "e" not with multiple "e's". She must have meant me!" Tom argued.

"But my name has more "e's" in it - three to be exact - so she must have meant me!" Benedict defended his case.

"Okay, stop! I meant both of you! I like you both equally! Ben, you'll always be my Sherlockian otter; and Tom, you'll always be my country-singing Loki. Just please stop fighting over me. I mean, it's not like I don't like it, but I don't want your friendship to end because of me."

"So... No threesomes?" Tom jokingly asked.

You all laughed and hugged one another, but Ben and Tom were secretly fighting over who got to hug you for the longest time. That day was definitely one that you wouldn't forget.


A/N: The video above doesn't have that much to do with the chapter, but it helps explain where the otter thing came from in case you didn't know. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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