How I Met Your Mother

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You and Stephen were fast asleep on your bed, until you heard a knock at the door. You weren't sure what it was so you decided to ignore it. But then the knock came again. You sleepily got up and opened the door and was surprised to find your daughter/son (your preference) clutching to her/his teddy bear.

"What's wrong, honey?" You asked.

"I can't sleep..." she/he said with quivering lips. "I had a nightmare!"

"Oh, well... come sleep with us."

You got back in your bed and your daughter/son curled up between you and Stephen. Stephen let out a hum as all the movement woke him up.

When he noticed your new guest he asked, "What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just can't sleep."

"Good thing I have a solution then. How about I tell you the story of how I met your mother?"


Stephen laughed and began the story. He remembered it vividly, and he smiled as he pictured the memories in his mind.

It was a stormy night in Tibet and you were desperate to find a place to spend the night. A few days before that, you had gone on an expedition to learn more about the mysterious temple of Kamar-Taj, but you never expected you would end up getting lost.

Finally, as you reached the temple you had long been waiting for, you rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren't hallucinating. You rushed to the door and knocked as hard as you could to make sure they heard you since they were probably asleep.

After a while, a bald woman opened the door with curiosity taking over her serious expression.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"My name's Y/N. I've been trying to find this temple for days. I guess I'm not as good with directions as I thought..." you chuckled; she didn't. "Anyway, I was wondering if you would let me stay with you tonight?"

"I can tell you need to rest. Fine, you can stay with us for a while."

"Thank you!"

As you laid down in your bed, the pain from the wounds you received while defending your belongings from burglars resurfaced. They had knives, and they slashed you all over your arms. You had covered them with pieces of cloth, and as you removed them to take a look, you were faced with red, bloody marks. You cringed in disgust and searched around outside your room for a bathroom to clean them up.

As you looked around in the dark, someone bumped into you and you stopped yourself from screaming.

You heard a deep voice say, "Sorry, I didn't see you there. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry I didn't see you either."

You both walked over to where there was light and Stephen seemed surprised as he looked at your arms. "How did that happen to you?"

"Some burglars with knives cut me..."

"Oh... Well, take me to your room and I'll cure you."

You sat on your bed as Stephen prepared some healing herbs. He patted your arms with them and you immediately started feeling better.

"My name's Stephen Strange, by the way," he commented. "Doctor Stephen Strange."

"Cool name. I'm Y/N."

After a few minutes of awkward silence you asked, "So... what do you specialize in?"

"Oh, I'm a neurosurgeon."

"Then why are you healing my arms?"

"Well, I couldn't just leave a beautiful lady like you in that condition."

You blushed, "Thanks..."

As you looked up into his eyes, you could feel yourself leaning in, and he did the same, until your lips were inches apart. Before you could kiss, though, a knock at the door interrupted you.

The Ancient One came in, "Sorry if I interrupted anything; I just wanted to make sure everything was alright."

"Everything's fine," Stephen answered.


After she left, the moment was unfortunately lost, and Stephen left to his room.

The next morning, after you were done preparing your things to leave, you said goodbye to the Ancient One.

"Thanks for everything. I hope I wasn't too much of a bother."

"No, no, you were fine. You know, I wasn't expecting you and Stephen to meet, but it sure seemed that he enjoyed your presence."

"I don't know... you really think so?"

"Trust me. I know everything."

You smiled, "If you say so..." You headed out the door and began your journey back home.

What you missed was Stephen running to the Ancient One, "Where's Y/N?"

"She left already. But if you hurry you might still catch her."

When the Ancient One finished talking, he ran out the door and rushed after the glimpse of you he could see from a distance. He finally caught up to you and he turned you around. By the time you realized who it was, he smashed his lips against yours and you kissed back happily, wrapping your now healed arms around his neck.

The Ancient One watched from a distance and, as she walked back inside, she closed the door behind her with a smirk, "I'm always right."

"And that, (daughter's/son's name), is how I met your mother," Stephen finished.

She/He smiled and cuddled closer against you. You kissed Stephen and hugged them both, and all of you were finally able to sleep peacefully.


A/N: I was finally able to defeat writer's block! Did you like it?

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