"All these references are killing me!"

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Imagine: Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Downey Jr get cast in the same Marvel movie (so basically Avengers: Infinity War) and you're in it, too

Benedict walked back and forth mumbling his lines in his Doctor Strange costume... ensemble... outfit... whatever the professional word for it is; while Robert calmly sipped his coffee, sitting in his chair with his legs crossed, reading the script.

He looked up and smirked, "You nervous?"

Benedict turned his head to look at him, "No, why would I be?"

"Well, you seem to be so frantic, I sort of assumed that you were."

He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "To be honest, I am a little anxious. I'm still getting used to the idea of playing a superhero and being surrounded by all these talented people, and having to deal with this all-over-the-place schedule... it's harder than I thought it would be. Besides, I'm new to the franchise while all of you have been at it for years. I don't want to mess up so badly that everyone would wish that they had never cast me in the first place," he ranted.

"Yeah, I get you. I mean, everyone loves me as Tony, and I basically made the MCU successful, but... yeah, I get what you mean," he tried to calm him. "You know what? I just remembered there's this one new girl who I think would like you. She's just as nervous as you are."

"I'm not that nervous..."Ben corrected.

Rob walked him over to you. You were getting fitted for your costume... ensemble... outfit... and your hands were already shaking.

"I didn't know there would be two Doctor Stranges in this movie!" Robbie commented.

You laughed, you and Robert were old friends and he always found a way to make you laugh, but then your inner fangirl screamed as soon as you saw Benedict. You tried not to sound too excited as you said, "Benedict! Hi! It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you, too. Rob here said that we could get along well."

"Well, he's always trying to hook me up with people," then you realized what you had just said. "Not that he'd do that when it comes to you! But it doesn't mean I wouldn't hook up with you... Not saying I will or want to! But it's not like I don't like you-"

"Yeah, we get it; you messed up. Don't try to fix it!" Robert said before you kept talking for an hour.

Ben laughed, "Yeah, I think we'll get along just fine."

A while after that, it was time to shoot the scenes and let's just say you frigging nailed them. But when the Russo brothers (the directors in case you didn't know) came up to you, you knew something was wrong.

"What did I do? Am I fired?" you asked with worry dripping from your voice. You loved your role too much to lose it.

"No, no, you were perfect! We were just thinking of adding some scenes were you and Strange develop some... chemistry, I guess," Anthony said.

"Yeah, but we just wanted to make sure you were okay with it," Joe added. "We asked Ben and it's fine with him."

You were surprised to know he would agree so quickly. You didn't want to look bad so you did so, too, "Oh, yeah, sure, it's fine by me."

"Great! Here's the modified script," Anthony said while Joe handed it to you.

"Thanks!" You started reading it right away.

Then it finally came down to shooting and thankfully, as you were great actors, the new scenes weren't too awkward. Although, at times, it seemed as though you both actually meant what you were saying.

You brushed it off and went to touch up your make-up (I don't even know how being an actor works so don't take this as gospel just in case... I wish I did know tbh). As your make-up artist did some touch-ups, Benedict came to talk to you.

"Hey, Y/N, you were great for an aspiring actress," he complimented you.

"Aw, thanks! You weren't so bad yourself!"

"Even with all my nominations?"

"Yeah, well don't get too cocky," you both laughed.

"I actually think I'm not up to my best potential when I'm around you. You must be special."

"Is Benedict Cumberbatch flirting with me?" Your make-up artist gave up at that point and moved on with the next person.

"Maybe," he stepped closer.

You didn't know he was actually going to do that so you freaked out, "Where did my make-up artist go?"

"Oh," he stepped back, "I don't know."

You cursed yourself in your mind; you messed it up, "Oh well."

Then, after the next scene was shot, Ben came up to you again. He wasn't going to give up easily. "Y/N, great work again."

"Thank you."

"So, after all of this, are you free?"

"Is Benedict Cumberbatch asking me on a date? I should really stop doing that..."

He chuckled as he properly acknowledged your joke, "I guess I am. Are you agreeing?"

"I guess I am," you smiled.

He smiled, too, "Great."

"Finally! Watching you two was like a telenovela! Just kidding, telenovelas are better. They have an actual arc with some drama..." Robert commented out of nowhere.

"Like you would know," you said.

"Yes. Anyway, since you haven't properly acknowledged your feelings, I'll do it for you," he adjusted his voice and pretended to be Benedict, "Y/N, ever since since I saw you, I knew you were the one. Everything about you screamed 'Benedict take me into your arms like there's no tomorrow!'" Then he pretended to be you, "Oh, Benedict, I feel the same way! You don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that! Insert romantic music, some rose petals, and then," he made kissing noises while shaping his hands to look like two people kissing each other.

You all laughed until your lungs hurt, "I sound nothing like that! But I have to admit, your Benedict wasn't too bad."

"Well, I did play a Sherlock so... And I think I was great in it."

"You did not go there..." Ben said.

"Oh, I went there."

Benedict sighed, "Whatever, it doesn't matter. When I admit my feelings to Y/N it will be romantic."

Robbie handed him a bouquet of roses that was in a pot. Water dripped everywhere but Ben rolled his eyes and ignored it, "Y/N, I know that we just met and this may seem a bit rushed but (will you marry me? jk) I like you. I really, really like you."

"No shit, Sherlock," you heard your make-up artist say from a distance.

Robert and Benedict looked at each other as if they said "Oh shit!" and then showed confusion as they weren't absolutely sure who she was referring to.

"Well, um... Sherly, I really, really like you too," you finally answered. "I mean I'm not sure if I'm the woman but, you can certainly say I'm Sherlocked."

Ben exhaled, "All these references are killing me!" And then you all resumed to your normal fits of laughter.


A/N: I know it wasn't exactly like the request, but it still had to be an imagine... and I think the cuts between the different scenes were a good metaphor for the advancement of your relationship, don't you? Yeah, that's me trying to be deep and sound fancy... Also, if how they act seems completely inaccurate then sorry, I've never met them (again I wish I did tbh)

Edit: I replaced two with too in the last paragraphs (yes when it comes to this I'm a perfectionist)

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