Ch. 26 It's 23 days 'till Christmas and--Corey's NOT Here.

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Rowan's P.O.V

Today was the day all of us were supposed to head to L.A, but I had to leave with Bell and Sabrina only. Cowan texted me that Corey still owned his last apartment and so she, Cj and him are all there now. I can't stand it. I laid in the bed I missed so much, the bed with so many memories, and felt so alone.

It's only been 3 days and it feels like 3 years. I was so upset today that I wished that I had left Cowan's party with Corey. I could've avoided all of this crap. Stupid rape. I got out of bed--it's easier to move now-- and walked downstairs. Sabrina, Carmen, and Dove were sitting on the couch having a huge pity fest. Dove was crying, Carmen looked heartbroken, and Sab just seemed...relieved.

I walked over and sat with them.

"What's wrong? Why is everyone upset?" I asked concerned.

"I'm not upset. I found out that it was a false alarm, I'm not pregnant." Sab informed.

"I, on the other hand, could never have a false alarm--I'm infertile. I can't have kids and Ryan and I are heartbroken." Dove sniffed.

"I just really miss Jack, his movie is still filming and then I have a short series that I'll have to jet off to Romania to do. " Carmen sighed.

"I'm so sorry to both of you. But I really wish I had your problems, to be honest..." I mumbled.

"What do you mean? Your life is almost perfect, you have a guy who loves you more than anything, you have three kids, you could jump back into the spotlight at any time, you live in a mansion, and again--a guy who loves you more than anything." Dove pointed out.

I looked down. Right. She doesn't know.

"Corey left...I was raped and lied to keep him from hurting anyone. I told him I cheated and accidently said I wasn't happy and..." I trailed off a lump forming in my throat.

"Rowan... I am so sorry. Come here." Carmen cooed.

I hugged her and Dove joined in.

"You guys are all pathetic," Sabrina said flatly.

"What?" Dove asked pulling from the hug.

"Excuse me?" Carmen scoffed.

"How dare you?" I asked feeling hurt.

"DCam--there's this thing called adoption. Carmie--you're rich and an actor, start booking parts near Jack and blow your shoe fund on a trip to where he's at everyonce in a while. Row--you shouldn't have lied. I know rape is tramautic and I can imagine that you'd feel terrible if you were the reason Corey ended up behind bars but seriously, cheating?! You couldn't think to just work around the names of the guys so that he wouldn't know who to beat the sh*t out of? Honestly, you people are sad. Bradley and I worked things out when it seemed impossible, you all have nothing to yak about."

"That's a bit harsh..."Dove muttered.

"Tough love is still love." Sab qouted, smiling proudly.

"I'll go call Jack right now." Carmen said standing up.

"I'm gonna call Ryan and talk to him about adopting." Dove concluded wiping tears.

They got up but I still sat there--I can't just call him and fix it this time. Sab scooted closer and I sighed, She put her hand on my shoulder and looked at me understandingly.

"It'll take work but you and Corey can fix all of this if you just tell the truth." She said making me look at her.

"Sab you don't get it. He'll hurt them for sure and I really don't want to be the reason that one day in the future, Isabelle and Cj will have to explain to their friends that their dad was thrown in jail for life because he murdered two guys."

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