My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Eight

Start from the beginning

          He's going home.

          Wait...what? He's going home? Did Alex mention anything like that? Not that I can remember...

          He came here to search for his parents. Once after he accomplishes his goal he'll go back to Hollywood, and you'll never get to see him again.

          No, no way. Alex is not going back. He can't possibly go back, he's staying!

          He'll stay and risk his flying career in Hollywood? I doubt so.

          It can't be true. No, no, no way Alex is going back. He's staying. He will stay, he must stay. He can't just go back and leave everything and everyone behind, he can't just go back and leave his family behind right after he found them, he can't just go and...and leave me behind, he just can't!

          I suddenly felt cold inside. What if he doesn't stay? What if he can go back and leave everything and everyone? What if he goes back and continues his busy career? Will he come back? How can he come back with all the tours and concerts? I'll never get to see him again.

          Suddenly I don't want this happening. Suddenly I'm not happy for him that he's finding his parents. Suddenly I don't want this plan to move on. Suddenly I want him to stay. Suddenly...and suddenly, I want him to stay close to me. I don't want him to leave, I really don't. After all those times, the ups and downs, I've gradually liked the moments, I've gradually liked him. I don't know what I'd do if he leaves.

          "Hey, are you okay?" I felt a touch on my shoulder and I jerked.

          "Oh, me? Ha-ha, yeah, I'm good." I said feebly.

          "Really?" he asked.

          "Yeah, why? Do I look like I have something on my mind or do I look like I'm lying or anything?" I continued, trying my hardest to make the idea sound ridiculous. Sadly I seem to have accomplished the opposite.

          "You know if you ever wanna know something, you can always ask." He said. "There's no need to do loads of self-talk and stuff."

          "Self-talk? Nah, only morons self-talk."

          "Uh-huh." He looked doubtfully at me. "So, what's the question?"

          "What question?"

          "Don't lie to me. You should know by now that you can never succeed in that. I always manage to get it out from you one way or another."

          "I don't have a question-" I stopped myself midsentence. "Nah what's the point? I just wanted to know..."

          "Now you're talking." He chuckled.

          "...yeah." I hesitated. "I mean, what are you gonna do after you find your family?"

          "Huh?" he looked bewildered.

          "No, I mean like, you came here to search for your parents right? What are you planning to do next?" I asked carefully.

          "Well, to be honest, I never expected myself to have come this far, this close. I gues, if I do find them eventually, and soon I hope, I'll probably just...move on."

          "What do you mean by moving on?" I asked, almost too afraid to hear the reply.

          " back to Hollywood, continue my career, I guess."

          Too late to cover my ears now.

          I felt everything crashing down inside and around me. My heart collapsed instantly upon hearing that dreaded sentence. Why? Why must he go back?

          "Oh." I said faintly, trying to hide the disappointment with no success.

          But there's still time left, right? I mean, yeah Alex is going to find his parents, but there's no proof that Carolanne is his sister, and her dad is his dad. There's no clear way of telling when Alex is really going back, so I guess it's not that bad yet...right?

          There was a short moment until Ryan came running back with an excited expression on his face. That excitement that can only mean one thing...

          "Alex, dude." He panted. "Her surname, Monreaux, the same as yours!" Ryan beamed.

          "Seriously?" Alex immediately stood.

          "Yeah man!" he smiled. "You've found your family!"

          That's it. That was it. Alex is going back.



Hey guys! :D I'm kinda excited yet nervous right now. My third story Heart-Beat has just been posted a few minutes ago!! I don't know how it'll turn out, hopefully better than MCH? But guys I would appreciate it if you would check it out and tell me what you think? Please? Heh.

Thanks for reading!

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