My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Seven

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Hey guys! :D

Here's the next chapter....andd....GAH, NO SPOILERS! X3 I can tell you however that at this point of the story I'm starting to bring it to the climax, so hold onto your seats! 8D pfft I don't know why I said that, this isn't a rollercoaster ride or anything...




Chapter Forty-Seven

-Alex's P.O.V-

"He WHAT?" I stared.

          "I know right?! I just can't believe him!" said Delaney, obviously feeling frustrated. "Poor Kate, she's so terrified now..."

          It was already after school, and I was waiting for Kate at the usual spot, but she didn't turn up after fifteen minutes so I gave Delaney a call, and I just heard the most disgusting news ever. Who does Drake think he is?!

          "Is she okay now?" asked Ryan.

          "I dunno, she hasn't come out for a while." Said Delaney. We were all waiting for Kate to come out from the ladies' restroom, which is where she has been in for a solid thirty minutes. Delaney went in several times but Kate had wanted her to leave, so she did. Now I'm starting to get really, really worried. I mean, I was worried before, but now even more.

          "I just cannot believe that Drake did all of that, it's ridiculous!" said Ryan. From here I can tell that all of us just wanted to rip his head off, without a hint of mercy.

Right now, I'm just trying my best and resisting the urge to beat the crap out of him, because I know that if that was to happen it will only make things worse for everyone, especially Kate. Drake might get even more enraged that he wouldn't hold back on her, who knows what would happen after that?

          "I'm going to check up on her again." Delaney walked into the restroom for the fifth time.

          "You okay?" asked Ryan.

          "I dunno, are you?" I asked back.


          "Same here." I said. "I wish I could do something..."

          Suddenly Delaney had walked out with Kate following behind her. The look on her face just makes me want to hug her and never let her go. Her face is pale, her eyes look really tired...her whole complexion is just different. I just wanna throw Drake out of the building right now.

          "Kate, are you okay?" I asked. She simply nodded. Oh no, this is worse than I thought.

          "Alex, I think you should take her home." Delaney said while passing me the keys from her bag. "You gotta take extra care of her, and remember what we talked about just now."

          "Yeah, if Drake comes just punch him in the face, got it." I said while taking the keys from her. "He'll be a total moron if he dares to show up."

          "You'll never know. That guy reminds me of a lunatic sometimes." Ryan said.

          "Sometimes?" Delaney raised a brow.

          "Huh, right." I snorted. "Alright guys, I'll see you later."

          "Yeah, tell us when she feels better, we'll visit her in the weekends." Said Delaney while waving us goodbye. Well, just to me actually, since Kate isn't looking at all.

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