My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Nine

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Gah :D One chapter away from Fifty! :DD WOOH!

Guys, I just wanna let you know about the fact that the ratings of MCH went up to 101# in Teen Fiction and 155# in Humor, but dropped more than a hundred today when I logged on x( but it's okay! :D Look, I got 101#, and my goal was to reach the top hundred, and even though I didn't really get there, I was one ranking away, and even though I'm at #200+, it was still great while it lasted x)

Thanks guys for your support and little contributions here and there :D

Lots of love people! <3



Chapter Forty-Nine

-Alex's P.O.V-

One week has passed since the day Drake and Kate broke up. If you're wondering why on earth I told you that, then I guess I have no answer. Sometimes it's fun to mention things...yeah.

          "Five minutes Kate!" screamed Miranda while I was just standing around, waiting for her. It sure has been long since we've seen Miranda around the house. She seems to be out and about a lot lately, so it's always just Kate and I. No complains there.

          "Don't worry, I'm sure the bus can wait for a while." I said.

          "It's not nice to keep people waiting, not to mention thirty-eight of them." She said hastily while applying some makeup onto her face.

Honestly, I don't see why girls, especially those in their twenties, care so much about makeup. Sometimes I just wanna grab a hose and wash it all off. I prefer girls the normal way, you know, without any 'editing' and stuff.


"I'm coming!" Kate replied while hopping down the stairs, obviously struggling with something that I don't know of. "My gosh, do you have to scream like that?"

          "How else can I get your attention otherwise?" she said sternly. "I'm already late, I should get going."

          "Yeah, well you're late, I'm not even close." Kate muttered. "You could've just left you know."

          "Well, I figured that if no one sticks around and do all the screaming, you'd be far later than how it is now." she said defensively. "Alright, I have no time for conversations. I probably won't be back for dinner again, I have a meeting with a client...a hot client."

          "Oh my gosh Miranda, it's work, not a date."

          "Who cares? As long as he's hot." She shrilled. "Alright, the bus will be here any second now. Remember to lock the doors, Tata!" she waved before hopping into her car and speeding off.

          "What a way to start a morning." I laughed humorlessly. "You're not that late though."

          "Tell me something I don't know." She rolled her eyes.

         We waited outside for a few more minutes until the bus arrived. For some reasons, everyone in the bus seems to be busy gossiping about something and checking some stuff on Facebook or Google through their iPhones, it's like something happened or whatever.

          "Hey dude, you know that you're like, all over the net and stuff." Said a guy who was sitting behind me.

          "Uh, yeah, I know." I said awkwardly.

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