My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Eleven

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We're already at eleven!! :DD that was quick. Thanks guys for reading and supporting me constantly, it really encourages me a lot and helps prevent a lot of writer's block xD

Thanks for reading guys! Hope you'll like it!

P.S. you don't have to, but please vote or be a fan if you think I deserve one xD THANKS!



Chapter Eleven

I really didn't know what to do this time. Everyone was like: 'Hey, why did you punch Alex?' or 'I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU PUNCHED MY HUSBAND!' and yes, that was from Delaney and some other girls. What makes them think that they'll even stand a chance? Especially Delaney.

          Alex was ranting to me about how annoying fans are last night over a few cups of coffee (well, coffee is filled with caffeine so we couldn't really sleep last night) and if you're wondering why we had coffee during such a late hour, it was because of him getting all I-bet-I-can-make-better-coffee-than-you and stuff. No one won anyway, because we ended up forgetting about it.

Geez, what a waste of time.

Alex's bruise was a shade darker today, and it looks so completely visible that it's kind of scary. Not even James Bond has these kinds of bruises during the making of his movie. I guess I was a little too rough about it.

          I was about to feel sorry for him until I remembered something horrible: I no longer have a clean name. Yeah, that's right, I've got detention. Who made it happen? Alex Monreaux. When did it happen? When Alex opened his big mouth. Why did it happen? Because he wanted to piss me off.

          Okay, now I'm mad again.

          My sympathy had suddenly disappeared and I'm back to  my usual self again which is hating Alex for ruining my life and enjoying the fact that he's suffering from a bruise which I made. Yeah, that's more like it.

          "You are such a heartless person!" Delaney whined. "No wonder you got detention."

          "Hello? I got detention thanks to Alex!"

          "Ugh, so what?" she rolled her eyes. "Oh, there's an opening! I'm gonna go comfort him now. Tata!"

          "Comfort? That dude does not deserve all that." I frowned. The large frown on my face had instantly turned into a smile when I saw Drake walking towards my way. Oh gosh he sure seems cuter today.

          "Hello there." He winked. I think I'm gonna melt.

          "HI!" I shrieked. "Uh, where's Natalie?"

          "Somewhere." He shrugged. "Man, can you believe this guy?"

          "Who? Alex?"

          "Yeah. All the girls and gays are completely drooling over him. What's so great about him?"

          "I'd like to know." I said bluntly.

          "Hah, so you don't like him too?"

          "Well, I wouldn't say that...but..."

          "Great! We have so much in common." He beamed. "Okay, enough chitty-chatty, let's head over to some place less of a crowd."

          "Okay." I screamed silently and followed him around like a dog. Fine, so I'm a completely different person in front of him, but so what? Everyone has got to be a two-face in front of their crush, right?

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