Chapter 28

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I stood alone in a dark, desolate wasteland. The cold gusts of wind blew my hair to the side. I stared out at the nothingness before me, my eyes wide with shock and fear.

"What do you think, my dear? Isn't it beautiful?"

I felt Draven's hand on my shoulder. I wanted to turn around to face him, but my body wouldn't let me. I was frozen in place.

Draven's maniacal laughter resonated in my ears. It was driving me crazy. I wanted to scream.

"Don't let him get to you."

Everything around me instantly stopped. I gasped, recognizing the voice behind me. The darkness quickly faded away to be replaced with a bright, dazzling light. I was finally able to move.

I slowly turned around to be met by my mother's smiling face. "M-Mother?"

"My sweet little Freya. Look how you've grown. You've come a long way since the day I had to leave you."

I couldn't stop from smiling and I felt tears of joy forming in my eyes. "I missed you, mother."

"Me too," she said, her smile quickly fading. "But this is no time for reminiscing. We have more important matters to discuss."

My smile turned into a frown and I slowly nodded. "You're right. For starters, how could you entrust Draven with my abilities? If you knew of his intentions, then why did you leave me with him?"

She sighed. "You still don't understand. It was your destiny, Freya. You saw the visions for yourself. You cannot change what is meant to-"

"Yes I can!" I yelled in slight anger. "I have been changing many of my visions! I've saved lives and helped people! I did what you couldn't! But then...why has this happened? Why couldn't I change my fate?"

My mother chuckled slightly. "Oh, Freya. You're thinking about it too much. Yes, you were able to change the lives of others, which is something I could not. But our destinies...cannot be altered. You and I are meant to play our roles."

I rubbed my arm uncomfortably. " this it? Draven wins?"

"Not exactly." I looked at her in surprise as she explained, "You haven't seen all of the visions you were meant to see."

I stared at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

She smiled again. "I'll explain from the beginning. When I was younger, I had many visions. I knew of Draven's plans all along. But with my death eminent, I knew I was not meant to intervene."

She came closer and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I foresaw all of this happening. You running. Draven taking everything from you. You helping him. I even stopping him."

My eyes widened again. "What...? How...?"

"One of the forbidden spells you inherited from me. Shadow Demon is the answer. This isn't the end of your story, Freya. You have a new family and someone who loves you dearly. Fight for them. You will succeed. Draven is not fated to win."

I smiled and hugged her. "Thank you, mother."

"Go now. You know what needs to be done. I love you, my darling daughter, and I will watch over you."

I slowly opened my eyes, seeing Bixlow beside me. "Freya, baby, you're finally awake. Are you okay?"

I lazily looked around, realizing I was in a hospital bed. My entire team was here, all of them looking at me with worry. I remembered my mother's words and shot up from my bed.

"I have to go! I have to stop him!"

Bixlow quickly grabbed my shoulders, halting my movements and gently pushing me back down. "Woah, take it easy, baby. You can't just get up and leave."

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