Chapter 7

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I hid my face in my knees again, not wanting Bixlow to see me still crying. It's all out in the open now. He knows everything that I've been through.

I felt his hand rub my shoulder and his voice call my name. "Freya."

I slowly picked my head up and met his gaze. He brought his other hand up and brushed my hair to the side, showing my left eye that's usually covered by my bangs. He wiped my tears away and smiled.

"Please stop crying. Everything's okay now. You don't have to be afraid anymore."

It pained me to look at him and know that he was wrong. I slowly pushed his hand off my shoulder and turned away, hugging my arms.

"That's where you're wrong, Bixlow. You haven't seen what I have. I think it's time I go. I've been in Onibus for too long."

I quickly stood up, hearing Bixlow do the same. "Freya, wait. Don't go."

"I have to, and you have to leave me alone. You'll only be in danger around me. I wasn't able to say it before, but I can now. Goodbye, Bixlow."

Before he could stop me, I disappeared into the shadows and got as far away as I could. I'm sorry, Bixlow, but this is for your own good.

Bixlow's pov

Before I could react, Freya had already left. I actually felt tears beginning to form in my eyes. I want to help her, but she won't listen and let me. I felt so useless.

I held back my tears and fixed my hood and visor before slowly heading back. I found Freed and my babies back where I had left them. Freed seemed to glance around and frown.

"She's gone, isn't she?"

I sadly nodded. "Yeah."

"Come on, let's get our reward and head home."

I gave a small nod. "Okay."

We went over to the jeweler that sent the request. Freed collected our reward and we got on a train to head back to Magnolia. Besides telling Freed a little about Freya's motives, I mostly stayed quiet the whole ride.

I can't get her out of my head. I can't help but worry about her out there. But I don't know where she could've gone and how I can even help her.

After making it back to Magnolia, I let Freed go to the guild to report our success while I headed home for the night. I didn't get much sleep, but it was better than nothing.

The next morning, I quietly went to the guild, already seeing Freed there and talking with Laxus. I noticed Evergreen was also here. I guess she finished her mission.

I took a seat at the bar, getting a drink while listening to the others talking. I heard Freed explaining to some of the others about Freya and me. I was glad that he was filling them in instead of me. I'm not really in the mood to talk to everyone.

I was a bit surprised when Laxus came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Bixlow, I know you're feeling down right now."

I gave a small grin and said, "It's alright. Really. Maybe it's just not meant to happen."

He frowned at me. "That's too bad, because I'd very much like to meet this girl. She'd make a great addition to the team."

My eyes widened and I looked up at him in surprise. "W-What are you saying?"

"Do I have to spell it out for you? Take some time off, Bixlow. Go look for this Freya girl and bring her back here, and don't even bother arguing because I know you want to go."

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