Chapter 11

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"Rise and shine, Freya. Time to get up."

I slowly sat up and yawned, seeing Evergreen standing beside me. I looked around, once again seeing the statues and potted plants that adorned the room. I then looked up at Evergreen, who was already dressed.

"Good morning, Evergreen. Are we heading to the guild?"

She nodded. "Yep. So get ready so we can go. We can get breakfast once we get there."


I got up and went to the bathroom. I changed out of the nightgown Evergreen let me borrow and into my now clean clothes. I brushed my long, black hair and fixed myself up before exiting the bathroom.

I, of course, grabbed my black cloak and tied it around me while following Evergreen out. We left Fairy Hills and went straight to the guild.

Going inside, there weren't that many people present. I guess because it's still early. The two of us went and sat down and ordered some breakfast. While waiting for our food, I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

I looked back to see Bixlow standing behind me with a grin. "Morning, baby. How'd you sleep?"

"Great, thanks," I replied with a smile.

Freed and Laxus, who came in with Bixlow, sat across from me while Bixlow once again took the seat beside me. When Mirajane brought us our breakfast, she flashed me a closed eye smile.

"So are you planning to take a job today, Freya?"

I nodded. "You bet. I need to get to work if I want to earn any money."

"Well I suggest taking something easy to start out with. You know, just until you get the hang of things."

I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "I suppose so. I'm sure I'll find something that'll suit me."

Laxus calmly said, "Well good luck, Freya. I'll be off on an S-class mission so I won't be here for a while."

I gave a simple nod in understanding. After our breakfast, Laxus took his job request and left. I found myself standing in front of the request board with the Thunder Legion.

I scanned over the different jobs to see if I could find one that stood out to me. The first one that really caught my eye was a request to hunt a wyvern for 300,000 jewels.

I grinned slightly and pointed to it. "I think I like the sound of that one."

Bixlow leaned closer to look at it before frowning. "No way, Freya! You're supposed to pick something easy to start with!"

"Something easy!"

I frowned slightly. "But that is easy...oh, never mind. Why don't you pick a job for me then?"

His frown quickly turned into a grin. "You got it, baby!"

He started looking over the jobs while I crossed my arms and huffed in annoyance. This is kind of ridiculous. I can totally take on a wyvern. Bixlow soon pointed to a job.

"How about this one?"

I read over it and frowned. "Oh, come on! You've gotta be kidding! Babysitting?! Seriously?!"

He shrugged. "Hey, it's simple and it's safe."

"And it only pays 20,000 jewels!" I yelled at him.

After a moment, I sighed, knowing there was no way out of it. "Fine, I'll take it."

"I think I'll tag along too," he told me.

I rose an eyebrow and questioned him, "You? Babysit?"

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