Chapter 23

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I slowly opened my eyes, instantly noticing Bixlow laying against me. I smiled to myself as he snuggled against my chest like a child in his sleep. I never thought I'd see him look so adorable.

Not wanting to wake him, I quietly laid there and lightly ran my hand through his hair. I suddenly felt his arms that were wrapped around me tighten, as if in reaction to my actions.

I had to contain my giggles as I watched him. I could see a faint smile spread across his lips. I don't know how long I laid there with him, but it didn't seem long.

I watched his eyes slowly open and meet mine. He grinned and kept his hold on me. I continued to run my fingers through his hair.

"Morning, baby," he finally said. "Did you sleep okay?"

I smiled. "Yeah, I slept great. Maybe because you were here with me."

His grin only seemed to widen and he nuzzled against my chest. I felt his tongue glide across my skin, causing my face to heat up. He slowly trailed his tongue up to my neck where he began leaving light kisses.

While he did this, I started playing with his blue strands of hair. Bixlow suddenly nibbled at my neck, causing me to let out a gasp. I felt him smirk against my skin and decided to give his hair a tug.

He made a small groan before pulling away. He then moved up to my face and pushed his lips against mine. I eagerly returned his kiss while pulling him closer.

I felt his tongue slip past my lips and meet my own. He quickly won the battle for dominance and explored every inch of my mouth, claiming his new territory.

We soon had to pull apart to breathe. We both panted lightly and just gazed into each other's eyes for a moment. Bixlow quickly kissed me again before finally sitting up.

"If every morning turns out like this, then I can't wait for the next one."

I sat up while playfully rolling my eyes. Bixlow chuckled at me and stuck his tongue out.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, I know you enjoyed it!"

"So what if I did?" I said innocently.

He leaned closer and whispered in my ear, "Well if you didn't think that was enough, then next time I'll make sure you do."

I laughed and lightly hit his arm. "Come on, Bixlow, let's hurry up and head to the guild."

We both got dressed and ate breakfast before leaving for the guild. Once there, we sat with our team and I started hearing lots of talk about some kind of festival.

Bixlow lightly hit the side of his head with his palm. "Oh, that's right, the Harvest Festival is coming up! I forgot all about it."

"What's the Harvest Festival?" I asked.

Bixlow opened his mouth to answer but Laxus quickly cut him off, "It's a festival we hold once a year to celebrate the harvest. There will be fireworks and food stands everywhere."

"Let's not forget the Miss Fairy Tail Contest," Evergreen added. "It's basically like a beauty contest for the female members of the guild."

Freed gave a small smile. "And then the festival ends with the Fantasia Parade. We all dress up and ride on floats while showing off our magic for everyone to enjoy."

"Wow, that sounds amazing!" I exclaimed.

Bixlow draped an arm around my shoulder and grinned. "And this year, you'll get to join in the fun!"

"Join in the fun! Join in the fun!" his babies repeated.

Laxus seemed to eye me momentarily before grinning. "You have got to enter the Miss Fairy Tail Contest, Freya. You'd be perfect for it."

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