Chapter 1

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I ran as fast as I could, still hearing footsteps behind me. I looked back to see the brown-haired man chasing me.

"Get back here and fight me! Wood-Make: Wood Wall!"

I snapped my head back around to see a wooden wall rise up in front of me. I smirked and quickly jumped up, skillfully climbing my way over and continuing my current pace.

"Wood-Make: Arrow Storm!"

"Shadow Claws."

Feeling the shadows envelop my hands, I stopped in my tracks and spun around. With the wooden arrows flying toward me, I slashed my claws at them, cutting them to pieces.

I glared at the man from under my hood and said, "I'm done running. You want to fight me? Fine."

I charged forward, dodging his attempts to stop me and repeatedly clawed at him. He managed to knock me back with a large fist made of wood.

I landed on my feet, watching the man now covered in scratches and panting lightly. A small smirk tugged at the corners of my lips.

"Shadow Sphere!"

I created an orb made from shadows between my palms. I threw it outwards at the man, watching it collide into him.

The shadows that covered my hands dispersed as the man fell to the ground, out of breath and magic energy. He struggled to get up and I walked over and stopped in front of him.

"I'd stay down if I were you."

The man gazed up at me, smirking as he chuckled slightly. "Don't think this is over. You may have beaten me, but there are much stronger wizards from my guild. They're going to be coming for you."

I frowned as I glared down at him. "They'll have to find me first."

I merged my body into the shadows at my feet and left the man behind in the forest. I quickly headed toward the nearby town and emerged in an empty alley.

This is the town known as Oshibana. With the sun already setting, I sat down on the hard pavement and leaned back against the side of the building. I tugged my dark cloak closer around my body as I attempted to keep warm and close my eyes.

My name is Freya Darkheart. I'm a wizard who specializes in shadow magic. I was born with the unique gift of precognition, which is the ability to have visions of future events.

I've been alone and on the run almost my whole life. I have no family. I have no friends. I only have myself. Which is a good thing because anyone who gets too close to me will be in danger.

I suddenly had an image flash through my mind. It was a person, a man to be exact. I instantly recognized his face and shot up in surprise.

I looked around the dark, empty alley before placing a hand against the side of my head. "Was that a dream, or a vision?"

I shook the thought out of my head. "Probably a dream. It has to be. It couldn't possibly be him, could it?"

I stared at the darkening sky for a moment before curling up and closing my eyes again. The next morning, I stole some breakfast and headed on my way. I should probably get away from here in case any more wizards start looking for me.

After about a day's walk, I found myself close to another town. I could see it in the distance. I believe that is Onibus Town. I suppose I can stop there for a bit and rest up.

Walking past the tall trees and nearing the town, I stumbled upon someone. It was a woman with long, wavy orange hair. She wore a simple green dress with brown boots and she carried a basket under her arm.

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