Chapter 25

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I see...him. Standing before me is my former master. He smirked at me in a way that sent chills up my spine.

"Freya? You okay?"

I was snapped out of the vision and back into reality. I noticed Evergreen, Freed, and Laxus all staring at me while Bixlow came closer with a slight frown.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied and forced a smile.

Bixlow placed his hands on the sides of my face. "You sure?"

I nodded and decided to quickly change the subject. "Thanks again, Laxus, for taking us here."

He smiled and replied, "Don't mention it. When you said you'd never been to Hosenka Town, I knew it would be a nice change to bring you all here."

It's true. The five of us spent the whole day in this little spa town. It was truly relaxing and a nice chance to spend time with my team without being on a mission.

"And I assume you enjoyed being in the Fantasia Parade last night?" Freed asked.

I smiled and nodded. "I did. It was a lot of fun."

"I still can't believe I didn't win the Miss Fairy Tail Contest," Evergreen angrily said.

The rest of us just sighed at her and remained quiet. Freed and Evergreen insisted on having some tea, so we all sat down in a circle on the floor and had tea.

While sipping my drink, my mind went back to that vision. Draven is going to find me. There's no changing that. A frown made its way onto my lips. Once I finished, I stood and went outside.

I sat myself on a flat rock. Feeling the cool, night breeze blow, I hugged my arms. These robes they give us aren't as warm as they look.

I soon heard the sliding screen door open and turned my head to see Bixlow. I noticed his babies weren't with him. He came over and sat beside me.

"I knew it. Something is wrong."

"N-Nothing's wrong," I quickly lied. "I just wanted some fresh air."

He suddenly snaked his arm around me and pulled me closer. "Come on, I know something's wrong. Just tell me what's on your mind."

I sighed in defeat. "Draven's going to find me. I know it. There's no escape."

"Freya," Bixlow said while grabbing my chin and forcing me to meet his gaze. "Listen to me. It doesn't matter if he finds you. He can't force you to use your magic. Besides, I won't let him anywhere near you."

He quickly pushed his lips onto mine. I immediately kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I felt his tongue slip past my lips and overtake my mouth.

I quietly moaned and gasped upon feeling his hand trail down from my chin and toward my chest. I could feel his fingertips make contact with my skin as he slipped his hand past the collar of my robe.

"Well look what we have here."

We quickly pulled apart and looked to see Laxus in the doorway with his arms crossed and a grin on his face. "I was just coming to tell you two that we're heading to bed."

Bixlow took my hand and stood us up. We followed Laxus back inside. With the lights already off and Freed and Evergreen in their little beds, Laxus went to his while I shared with Bixlow.

I climbed in and laid against him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. We said our goodnights and I quickly found myself just laying there.

This is where I feel the safest. In Bixlow's arms. But I don't think even he can save me from the future that haunts me. The next morning, Bixlow and I went for a walk. I didn't get much sleep last night, but I hid my tiredness from the others.

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