Chapter 9

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A/N: In the picture is the Fallen Angel crest.

I casually strolled through Clover Town, hearing the Thunder Legion still following behind me. I'm really grateful to them for helping me out yesterday, but they don't have to follow me around like lost puppies.

I let out a sigh and glanced back at them. "You don't have to keep following me, you know."

"We've already been over this," Bixlow stated. "We're not leaving until we get a straight answer from you."

I stopped and turned toward them. "Then the answer is no. Now go home."

Bixlow grinned. "You can't fool me, baby! You don't really mean that!"

I groaned in annoyance and continued walking in silence. It wasn't long before I passed by a few people who were apparently waiting for a friend.

"Where is he? He should've been here days ago."

"Do you think he got lost or something?"

One of them sighed. "He just had to be a traveler. I hope he's alright."

I suddenly stopped upon seeing images flash through my mind. I see Web Valley. And a man who is trapped within the labyrinth. Without help, he won't make it out alive.

"Freya? You okay?"

The images faded away and I glanced over at Bixlow. "I had a vision. I need to go."

I quickly started walking away, hearing the trio follow me while Freed asked, "Where?"

I flashed him a mischievous grin and replied, "I guess you'll find out, won't you?"

Without another word, I managed to get my hands on a bottle of water. I was going to just steal it, but Bixlow insisted on paying for it.

He then asked me, "What's the water for?"

"What's it for? Tell us!" his babies demanded.

"Trust me, I need this," I told him.

I went toward the middle of town and stopped. I turned around to face the three wizards.

"Okay, guys, I can take care of this myself."

Evergreen blinked at me in confusion and asked, "What are you talking about?"

I sighed. "What I mean is, I don't need your help."

Bixlow grinned and crossed his arms. "Too bad, baby. We're not going anywhere."

"Too bad! So sad!"

"Shadow Wings," I quietly said.

Shadows rose up and formed black, wispy wings on my back. Seeing the surprised looks on the trio's faces caused me to smirk at them.

"Well good luck keeping up."

With that being said, my shadow-made wings lifted me off the ground and into the sky. Heh, no way they'll be able to catch me now. Looks like they don't have the option to tag along.

"Wait up, baby!"

The smirk on my face instantly disappeared and my eyes widened. I turned my head to see the trio behind me. They can fly?!

Bixlow stood on his babies while Freed and Evergreen had wings like me. I don't believe these three. There's no way to leave them behind, is there?

Bixlow came up beside me and asked, "So, where we heading?"

I sighed in defeat and simply said, "Web Valley."

"Mind telling us why?" Freed asked.

I shook my head slightly. "Nope. You'll just have to wait and see for yourselves."

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