Chapter 12

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I stood in front of the request board, looking for a job to take. Bixlow stood by my side, waiting for me to pick one. Since Freed and Evergreen still weren't back, it would just be Bixlow and me again.

I finally decided on a job that required delivering some kind of herbs that increase magic power to a young mage in training. Bixlow grinned at me when I pointed it out.

"Better dress warmly then because we're going to Mt. Hakobe."

The two of us bought some winter clothes to wear on the mountain. My outfit was very similar to what I normally wear except my top had sleeves and I had pants instead of shorts. I even got another cloak that was a dark grey color and lined with fuzzy fur to keep me warm.

Bixlow's outfit was practically the same except a little thicker and he still wore his hood and visor. We hitched a ride in the back of a truck to get a little ways up the mountain.

I watched as the scenery slowly turned to white while the temperature dropped. The truck soon stopped.

"Alright, this is as far as I go!" the driver yelled over the howling of the wind.

Bixlow and I hopped out and began walking, hearing the truck drive away. Flakes fell all around us as we slowly trudged through the thick snow. With the wind blowing my hair around, I had to constantly brush it out of my face.

The wind started to pick up and more snow began falling. My vision was becoming obscured. It seemed like we were in the middle of a blizzard.

"How are we ever going to find the herbs in this snowstorm?!" I yelled to Bixlow.

"We won't! We should find some shelter until this blizzard dies down!"

I glanced around before spotting an opening in the side of the mountain. "Over there! I see a cave!"

The two of us rushed over and went inside. I stared out at the raging storm outside and sighed.

"Looks like this mission is going to be harder than I thought," I muttered mostly to myself.

Bixlow answered, "That's why I'm here, baby. To make sure nothing bad happens."

I smiled at him before looking back at the winding path inside the cave. "Let's follow the caves then. Perhaps they'll lead us to where we need to go."

Bixlow nodded and we walked down the path inside the cave. It soon led to an open cavern where a group of mountain vulcans resided. I froze, and when they noticed us, they charged toward us.

"Shadow Kitsune!"

I summoned a group of large, shadow-made foxes that ran forward and fought against the vulcans. One of the white-furred beasts managed to get past my foxes and attacked us.

I dodged to the right while Bixlow dodged to the left. It suddenly seemed like more vulcans were showing up while my foxes were slowly defeated.

With Bixlow and me being separated in the swarm of ape-like monsters, I decided to run through the nearest tunnel to escape. I'm pretty sure Bixlow did the same since there were too many vulcans to fight.

With some of the beasts following me, I stopped in another smaller cavern to stand and fight. "Shadow Sphere!"

I threw multiple black orbs, hitting the vulcans before rushing toward them. "Shadow Claws!"

I dodged around them as they attempted to hit me and clawed at them. At one point, I lost my footing on the slick, icey ground below me and fell on my butt.

One of the vulcans lifted his fists above me. I quickly rolled out of the way as his fists slammed down onto the ground where I was. I jumped back onto my feet only to hear a loud crack.

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