Chapter 14

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With the sun already hidden beyond the horizon, I followed along with Evergreen. I had my arms crossed under my cloak. I can't believe Bixlow.

I heard Evergreen let out a sigh and say, "Don't be too hard on Bixlow. He's always been like that."

A small smile made its way to my lips and I giggled. "I know. He always had fun messing with me when we were little."

"You two were really close, huh?"

"Yeah, he was the first person to ever stand up for me. The first friend I ever made."

"You must really like him then."

I felt my face heat up slightly and I rubbed my arm uncomfortably. "Well...of course. He's my friend."

She chuckled and looked over at me. "I mean, you must like him more than a friend."

I could feel my blush darken. "W-What? W-Why would you think that?"

"Well for one, you're blushing," she replied with a smirk. "And two, how could you not feel that way toward someone who's done so much for you?"

I averted my gaze and remained silent. After a moment, Evergreen suddenly stopped, causing me to look at her in confusion.

"Now that you've gotten some money, what do you say we go do a little shopping? That way, you won't have to keep borrowing my clothes."

That was a sudden change of subject. I could use some more clothes though. I smiled and nodded.

"Sure. Lead the way."

Instead of going to the dorm, we went back into town. Evergreen took me to several different clothing shops. I tried on a lot of different things that I ended up buying.

I bought casual clothes to wear along with pajamas, underwear, and even a couple of dresses and a swimsuit. I honestly didn't think I would need all of those, but I couldn't help myself.

This was the first time I could freely buy things and there was so much to choose from. With my hands full from all the shopping bags I was carrying, I impatiently waited for Evergreen.

She was looking through some dresses and suddenly picked one out and held it toward me. "What do you think of this one, Freya?"

I looked over the dress, noticing how short and low-cut it was. "It's pretty, but don't you think it's a bit...revealing?"

"Maybe. But I think Bixlow would really like it."

I quickly yelled, "I'm not going to wear something like that just for him!"

She chuckled and put it back. "Whatever you say."

The tone in her voice sounded somewhat sarcastic. I rolled my eyes and we finally left, getting a quick bite to eat before heading back to Fairy Hills. Going to Evergreen's room, I changed into one of my new nightgowns and settled in my makeshift bed.

Once Evergreen got changed, we both went straight to bed. The next morning, we ate breakfast and left for the guild. I noticed Bixlow over at the request board with Freed and neither one had noticed us.

I smirked and merged with the shadows. I quickly went over and emerged in front of the two, hoping to surprise them.

"Hi, guys. Looking for a mission?"

Neither of them seemed the least bit surprised by me, so I then turned to look at the board behind me.

"Yes, we are," I heard Freed answer.

I glanced back to see Bixlow sticking his tongue out. "Wanna join in too, baby?"

I smiled and nodded. Evergreen finally made her way over to us. I began scanning over the different jobs when one caught my eye.

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