Chapter 8

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I struggled to try and get up. I breathed heavily and my whole body felt tired and weak. I watched Coro chuckle as he approached me.

"Poor, poor, Freya. Look at the trouble you've gotten into. You really should've taken my offer."

I'm almost out of magic energy and my body aches all over. I think it's time to use my more powerful spells. I only resort to them in dire circumstances, but I'd say this counts.

"Well, it's time to take you back to the guild so I can get my reward."

I sent Coro a cold glare and struggled to my feet. "I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. I'm never going back! Shadow Eclipse!"

Coro began frantically looking around as darkness covered the area. I could already feel the shadows giving me strength to perform my next spell.

"Shadow Demon!"

The shadows began to rise up and cover my body. I watched Coro's eye grow wide and he slowly backed away from me. I knew my transformation was complete once my vision became clouded and red.

I could see the fear on the wind mage's face as I stalked toward him, snarling and snapping my jaws. Now towering over him, I leapt at him only for him to dodge around me.

"Storm Bringer!"

I watched as the small tornados flew around me. I stood motionless, the winds unable to harm me. I simply shook them off before heading toward Coro once more.

"Storm Shred!"

I could now see the panic on Coro's face as the blades of wind came at me. I didn't even flinch as the wind simply bounced off me. Now within range, I lunged at Coro and swiped my jagged claws at him.

He fell back onto the ground where I continually scratched away at him. No, I can't stop myself. This is why I rarely use this spell. I can never quite control it and things always get too far out of hand.

Once my monstrous form was finished with him, I picked him up and tossed him. He hit the side of a building before falling to the ground. Seeing that he was down, I knew I had won.

The shadowy form that surrounded my body began to disperse along with the dark haze that hung over the area. I could barely even stand I was so weak.

I used up the last of my magic energy. Not only that, the painful scrape on my arm still hurt. I held my injured arm and watched as the Wind Wall finally disappeared.


I snapped my head around to see Bixlow, Freed, and a brunette woman I'd never seen. I turned toward the trio and watched Bixlow coming closer.

"Bixlow? What are you doing here? I thought I told you to leave me alone."

"Yeah, well, I didn't listen. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"No you're not, you can barely stand!"

Before Bixlow could come closer, a low chuckle interrupted. I quickly looked back at where Coro lay on the ground.

"You may have won this time...but I'll be back... Just you wait, Freya... You will be brought back to Draven eventually."

Just like with Gwyneira, Coro's body disappeared with the wind. I looked back at Bixlow again. In an attempt to take a step, I stumbled forward. Bixlow quickly caught me in his arms and kept me on my feet.

"Freya, baby, you need to rest."

I weakly pushed against him. "No, I'm fine. Just leave me alone."

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