Chapter 13

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Bixlow's pov

Freya. She's so beautiful. I can't believe what an amazing woman she's become. I could keep her here in my arms forever.

I looked down at her to see her eyes were closed. I smiled to myself. She's fallen asleep. After a short while, the blizzard outside began to die down. Guess I better wake her up.

"Freya, baby, wake up."

"Wakey wakey!"

Freya's pov

I woke up to the voices of Bixlow and his babies. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I looked up at Bixlow to see him smiling down at me.

"Bixlow? How long was I asleep?"

"Not long. But the storm has died down. Wanna continue up the mountain now?"

I nodded and stood up. "Yeah, we still need to find those herbs. Should be easier now."

Bixlow got up and we left the cave and began walking once again. It wasn't long before we came to an open field. I gasped and grinned.

"These must be the herbs. Let's pick some and go."

Bixlow and I picked a few herbs, but a sudden gust of wind caused us to freeze momentarily. We then spun around to see a large, white wyvern flying down toward us.

"A blizzardvern?!" I cried out. "You've gotta be kidding me!"

The beast let out a roar and landed among the field of herbs. It seems really angry at us. Seeing the large creature, I got an idea and grinned.

"I think I just found our ride off the mountain."

Bixlow looked at me in utter confusion and surprise. "What are you talking about?! You expect to just jump on that thing's back and have control over it?!"

I flashed him a smirk and answered, "Yep. Hold the herbs."

Without taking my eyes off the blizzardvern, I held the herbs I picked out to Bixlow. Feeling him take them from me, I then strolled over to the reptile.

I calmly stood before the growling beast. It stared down at me before finally lunging forward in an attempt to bite me. I jumped up, dodging the creature and made my way up its snout and head.

I seated myself on the lizard's neck and held onto its thick scales as it violently shook around in an attempt to throw me off.

"Shadow Bind!"

Long, thin shadows shot up from the ground around the blizzardvern. The shadows wrapped around its legs, wings,tail, head, and snout. The white-scaled wyvern thrashed around again, causing me to frown.

"You sure are a tough one," I stated. "Settle down already, you overgrown salamander!"

I tightened the Shadow Bind, causing the blizzardvern to finally collapse. The thin shadows then imprinted themselves into the reptile's scales.

The beast slowly stood up in a completely calm and submissive state. I smiled and gave it a gentle pat.

"There now, that's a good boy."

I looked over at Bixlow to see him staring with his mouth wide open. I smirked and led the creature over to him before making it crouch down.

I told Bixlow, "Climb on. We're getting off this mountain."

Bixlow slowly climbed his way up until he stood behind me. "H-How did you do that?"

I laughed lightly and looked back at him. "I used a spell called Shadow Bind. It allows me to temporarily tame beasts."

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