Chapter 22

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I slowly opened my eyes, noticing sunlight pouring in through the windows. I sat up and stretched my arms. Freed and Evergreen were both already up and looked to be fixing some tea.

Freed came over and handed me a cup. I thanked him and took a few sips. I looked over at where Bixlow still slept soundly and smiled, remembering the events of last night.

Bixlow was there with me on the balcony. He kissed me and said he loved me. I never thought I could be so happy in just one little moment. Freed and Evergreen soon finished their tea and took turns getting dressed behind the screen.

After finishing my tea, I quietly went over to Bixlow's bed. I carefully crawled on top of him with my legs on either side of him. I leaned down and pecked his cheek.

"Bixlow, it's morning."

His eyes slowly opened and he looked at me and grinned. "Well good morning to me."

He sat up slightly and planted a quick kiss on my lips. I got off of him, letting him stand. Once Freed and Evergreen were finished, Bixlow and I took turns getting dressed as well.

Before we could even leave the room, the whole place shook beneath our feet. My eyes widened and I quickly realized what was going on.

"It's happening," I mumbled.

With the trio following me, I rushed out of the room and down the halls, hearing people screaming as we went. We ran down to the main floor where there was a huge hole in the wall. Standing in the middle of it...was Coro.

"Nice to see you again, Freya," he said with a sly grin.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "How did you know I was here?"

He chuckled. "With our past attempts failing, Draven told us of a way to lure you in instead. He thought you would have a vision of the disaster we would cause here."

"Why don't you tell Draven to stop messing with my life and leave me alone," I told him in a dark tone.

"You can tell him yourself when we take you to him, unless..."

I watched him approach me with his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face. "Unless you'd rather make a deal with me instead. Strip for me and I might just let you go."

I scrunched my nose in disgust. "Ugh, as if. I'd much rather just fight you."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Fine. Have it your way."

He backed away and a bunch of wizards from Fallen Angel flooded into the place. Among them, I saw Gwyneira and those twin girls again. The four of us were completely surrounded and outnumbered.

Suddenly, many large groups of people approached and slowly outnumbered the wizards of the dark guild. Looking at the different people, I could see guild marks on some of them.

Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, Quatro Cerberus, Mermaid Heel, they were all here among us. One man stepped forward from the others.

"You dark guild wizards forgot about something. This is a tourist hot spot. Even magic users come here. Did you actually think you could do something like this without a fight from all the wizards here?"

A huge battle broke out from there. All of the mages from the other guilds fought alongside us to beat the members of Fallen Angel. I stuck close to my team as we began to clear out the place.

There was magic of all kinds being used. Fire, water, ice, wind, sand, earth, there were so many that I couldn't name them all. One by one, the members of Fallen Angel were defeated, left lying in the rubble that was the remains of the building.

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