Chapter 24

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"Come on, Freya, we don't have all day!" Evergreen called.

I quickly tried on the different outfits before deciding on one. Evergreen and I were picking the clothes we wanted to wear for the Miss Fairy Tail Contest.

Evergreen gave me the heads up that most of the girls liked to wear bikinis for the contest, so I picked out something different. I'm going to be unique but just as stunning.

I quickly bought my outfit and rushed out of the shop to meet Evergreen. "Gee, Freya, did you try on every outfit in the shop?"

"No," I quickly answered. "I recall at least three outfits I didn't try at all."

We both laughed a little at that. We walked back to the guild and hid our clothes in the bathrooms where the other girls' outfits were stashed until later.

I also made sure to talk to Mirajane about our plans after the contest. We had a little something for everyone to enjoy. I then sat down with my team. Bixlow immediately wrapped an arm around me.

"Hey, baby. Know what you're gonna wear for the contest?"

I nodded. "Yep, I'm all set."

"Mind giving me a sneak peek?" he whispered in my ear.

I giggled and quietly answered, "Sorry, but you're gonna have to wait like everyone else."

"Aww," he whined. "You just love to tease me, don't you?"


He chuckled and kissed my head. We didn't have to wait long before the contest. With people beginning to crowd in, all of us girls went back to get changed.

Just like Evergreen said, most of the girls wore bikinis. Erza, Mirajane, and Levy kept their normal clothes on. Lucy had on a blue cheerleader outfit. Evergreen had on a short, sparkly green dress. I fixed up my hair and examined myself in a mirror.

I had on a light purple belly dancer outfit. The top was small and studded with jewels. The bottom was like a bikini with see-through pants. I had bracelets on my arms and a thin veil over my nose and mouth. I even had my hair in a braid intertwined with jeweled ribbon.

"Wow, Freya! You look great!"

I turned and smiled at Evergreen. "Thanks, same to you."

The announcer, Max, began calling for us. We waited backstage as he introduced us each one at a time. Erza ended up requipping into a gothic lolita outfit, which really brought out her beauty.

I could see all the guys with heart eyes as they watched. I gulped upon seeing their reactions to the other girls. Looks like winning won't be as easy as I thought.

"Next up, one of our newest guild members! Controlling the very shadows at her feet, give it up for Freya Darkheart!"

I slowly walked out onto the stage. Everyone looked at me with heart eyes, even Bixlow, who also had his tongue hanging out. I winked and wiggled my hips before striking a pose.

With a couple of girls coming after me, we all stood on the stage, waiting for everyone's votes to see who won. A small, blue bird flew over to Max with an envelope in its tiny talons.

He took it and opened it up with a smile. "Looks like we have the results! Our 3rd place winner is...Lucy Heartfillia!"

Lucy smiled and waved while people cheered. "The title of 2nd place goes to...Freya Darkheart!"

I gasped slightly and grinned. I can't believe I actually got 2nd place. I waved to my fans while noticing a sly smile on Evergreen's face.

"And this year's Miss Fairy Tail is...Erza Scarlet!"

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