Chapter 6

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Bixlow's pov

What just happened? She was about to take my hand but then she suddenly looked afraid and ran. Did she have a vision? I need to find her and get some answers out of her.

Freed came closer and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Go after her. I know you want to."

He gave me a small smile that I quickly returned. "Stay with Freed, babies. I need to talk to Freya alone."

My babies stayed in place beside Freed while I quickly headed into the woods. I went in the same direction as Freya and soon heard a few sobs.

I quickly followed the sounds until I found Freya in a small clearing where the moon shone down on her. She leaned back against a tree with her knees pulled up to where she hid her face in them.

I slowly walked over and sat beside her. She picked her head up and looked at me with teary eyes.


Freya's pov

He gave me a soft smile. "It's alright. It's just the two of us. Now would you tell me what's wrong and why you ran away?"

I nodded slightly and explained, "I had a vision. Your guild had been torn apart. You and everyone else were gravely injured, and it was all because of me."

More tears spilled from my eyes and I felt Bixlow scoot closer and wrap an arm around my shoulder. "Freya, not everything you see is going to come true."

"But even if that future doesn't come true, a similar one will take its place. I'm a danger to be around. You and your entire guild would be better off without me there."

He chuckled slightly. "Have you even heard about my guild? Fairy Tail is always in danger from dark guilds, the Magic Counsel, you name it. But it doesn't matter because everyone in Fairy Tail is part of one big family. A family that you could be a part of."

"No, I can't, Bixlow," I sadly stated. "You don't understand."

"Because you won't let me understand. Freya, we used to be such good friends. What happened to all of that?"


I looked up at him and slowly reached my hands up. He allowed me to carefully pull off his visor and hood, letting me see his face. I gazed up into his dark red eyes and smiled.

"I missed you. I always regretted never being able to say goodbye. I never forgot about you."

His gaze softened and he gave a gentle smile. "The same goes for me. Now would you mind telling me why you disappeared that day?"

I nodded and started explaining, "Well, that last day we saw each other was also the night my mother died. For weeks, she battled a strong illness that slowly took her life. I never told you or anyone else because I didn't want to worry everybody with my problems. But that night was the worst night of my life."


I stood beside my mother's bed, watching her through watery eyes. She looked over at me with a soft smile.

"Don't cry for me, Freya. I don't want you to be sad. I want to see you smile."

Tears ran down my cheeks as I clutched her hand in mine. "Please, mom, you can't go. Don't leave me."

"Freya, I foresaw that this was my fate and I accept it. You should do the same. After all, you cannot change fate."

She winced slightly before smiling at me again. "Now don't worry, Draven is going to look after you once I'm gone. You be a good girl and listen to him, okay?"

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