Chapter 21

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I looked around in awe. The whole place was lit up with a rainbow of colors and littered with people. With Evergreen and Freed disappearing in the crowd, Bixlow looked down at me.

"So what do you wanna do first, baby?"

I took a quick look around in thought before answering, "I guess we can go to the casino first."

He grinned. "I like your style, baby!"

The two of us went down to the casino where the sounds of slot machines and other games filled the room. We actually doubled our money at the slot machines and I even won a poker game.

Bixlow had fun placing bets on some of the games, even when he didn't win anything. He did use his babies to cheat a couple times though. After we had had our fun, I decided it was best not to push our luck any further.

We went back to where the carnival part of the resort was. Bixlow suddenly stopped at one of the many games.

"Do you wanna play, Bixlow?" I questioned.

He nodded, flashing me a quick grin. "Yeah, bet I can win a prize too."

The man that runs the stand explained the rules. You've just got to hit at least three of the six bottles with the ball to win something.

With the ball in hand, Bixlow threw and knocked down five of the bottles. He then proudly crossed his arms and laughed while sticking his tongue out.

"And that's how it's done!"

The man smiled and handed Bixlow a cute little plush wyvern. Bixlow suddenly turned to me and held out the prize.

"Here you go, baby."

A smile spread across my lips as I accepted it. "Aww, thanks, Bixlow. It's so cute."

I hugged the adorable plush, causing Bixlow to chuckle. "No problem, baby."

We played a few more games before heading outside where most of the rides were. Bixlow took one look at the roller coaster and grinned.

"Wanna go on the roller coaster?"

I gazed up at it, watching the fast moving ride and hearing the screams of people onboard. I gulped and squeezed my plush.

"N-No thanks."

"Oh, come on, don't tell me you're scared."

"I-I'm not scared," I quickly lied. "I just...don't feel like riding it, that's all."

He smirked at me. "Yeah, right, you can't be scared of heights, you can fly."

I sighed in defeat and quietly said, "I'm not scared of heights, I've just never been on a roller coaster before. It looks kinda...scary."

"Is that all? You'll be right next to me the whole time. There's nothing to worry about. So what do you say?"

Bixlow held out his hand and looked at me with pleading eyes. I bit my lip. I can't say no to that face. I hesitantly took his hand.

He smiled and pulled me onto the roller coaster. I sat there completely tense, waiting for the thing to start moving. Once it did, I found myself screaming and clinging to Bixlow.

When we finally got off, Bixlow took my hand again and said, "Alright, how about something more relaxing now, huh?"

I eagerly nodded and he took me to the ferris wheel. We got on and sat side by side. I gazed out the window at the starry sky as the wheel slowly moved.

I suddenly felt Bixlow's arm around me and felt him scoot closer. I looked over at him, my eyes immediately locking with his.

"So, been having fun, Freya?"

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