Chapter 27

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I looked around in boredom. Coro has taken me to a dark, dingy swamp in the middle of the woods. I placed my hands on my hips and huffed.

"Quite the "safe place" you've taken me to, Coro," I said sarcastically. "I could've found a place like this on my own."

He chuckled and looked back at me. "Oh, no you couldn't."

He suddenly grabbed my wrist, causing me to instantly try jerking my arm away. "Hey! Let go of me!"

He ignored my yelling and pulled me forward. I let him lead me toward a bunch of trees. Right as we approached them, they suddenly disappeared and were replaced with a large, black building.

My eyes were wide as I stared up at it, seeing the Fallen Angel crest above the doors. Coro took me to his guild. Now I see how they stay hidden so well. They use concealment magic.

"Freya, you have to promise not to tell anyone about this place, okay?"

Seeing the serious expression he had, I calmly nodded. He then smiled and led me to the large doors, pushing them open and taking me inside.

The large guild hall was very similar to Fairy Tail's. People sat around at tables, drinking and talking. The main difference was the dim lighting, which made the place seem a bit more ominous.

Coro quietly took me over to a table and sat me down with him beside none other than Gwyneira. The white-haired girl looked at me in slight surprise.

"What the-? Freya? How'd you get here? How'd you escape from Draven for that matter?"

I smirked slightly and replied, "He let me go. Looks like your hard work was all for nothing, huh, Gwyneira?"

She frowned slightly and looked around me at Coro. "How could you bring her here?"

He shrugged. "What can I say, I'm a sucker for pretty girls. Besides, it's not like we have to fight with her now."

"Actually," I interrupted their argument, "I have something I want to ask you, Gwyneira."

She smirked slightly. "Ask away. I'll decide if I want to answer or not."

I ignored her comment and looked at her seriously. "Did Draven say anything to you about his plans? You know, when you had used Ice Slave on me."

She tapped her chin and turned her gaze to the table. "Well, now that you mention it, there was something he said that seemed odd."

I leaned closer to her in anticipation. "Yes?"

"I don't quite remember all of it, but he did say something about catching you only being the first step."

My eyes widened slightly. Draven is planning something. I knew he had more in store.

"Did he mention anything about his next step?" I questioned.

"Hmm," she hummed in thought. "Oh, he did. Something about the past. What was it...? Destroying something important... Something you hold dear... Yeah, that's it."

I gasped. He's going after Fairy Tail just like my hometown. I quickly stood up from my seat, causing the two wizards to jump in surprise. I muttered a small "thank you" before darting out of the guild.

I glanced back to see Fallen Angel disappear from my sight once again. I ran, summoning my Shadow Wings and taking off into the sky.

The vision of Fairy Tail's ruin flashed through my mind. Please let me make it in time. I don't want to lose another home and family.

I flew as fast as I could back to Magnolia. Once there, I landed before the guild that had already been torn apart. My eyes grew wide and a gasp escaped my lips.

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