Chapter 17

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"Keep it up, Freya! You're doing a great job!"

I glanced back at where Laxus stood, watching me. I turned my gaze to the remaining hodras in front of me. There were about five left from the herd.

"Shadow Kitsune!"

I summoned a group of the large foxes and had them attack. They jumped on top of the pig-like creatures and bit and clawed up their backs.

With a couple of the pigs being taken down, I jumped in, using my Shadow Claws to take out two more. With only one hodra left, I readied myself to finish it off.

"Hey, Freya, I'd like to see that monster taming spell, if you don't mind!"

I froze momentarily upon hearing Laxus. I allowed my foxes to go back into the shadows and watched the last spotted beast as it fixed its gaze on me.

I patiently waited as the creature charged toward me. Once it was right in front of me, I jumped up, avoiding the pig monster. With it passing under me, I reached down and locked my claws into its thick hide.

The hodra quickly skidded to a halt with a grunt. With me now seated on its back, I let my claws disperse.

"Shadow Bind!"

The thin shadows rose up and wrapped around the beast. The large pig let out a few squeals as it thrashed around in an attempt to free itself. It soon succumbed to the bind and the shadows imprinted themselves across its body.

With the hodra now under my command, I took a moment to catch my breath. I panted and watched Laxus come over with a huge grin.

"Amazing! You have quite the talent, Freya! Consider me impressed!"

I managed a tired smile and replied, "Thanks."

Laxus climbed onto the beast's back and sat down behind me. I let the hodra carry us across the rough, rocky ground. And to think, just yesterday we were in Magnolia, and now here we are, near the base of a mountain.

Most of yesterday was spent just walking and talking. We even camped out near a small stream. But now this morning has been nothing but action packed.

First, Laxus had me fight off a young wyvern that was establishing its territory. Then I had to take down an entire herd of hodras. Boy, am I tired.

"You did an excellent job, Freya. Now I know just how strong you are. I can truly consider you a member of the Thunder Legion."

I glanced back at the blond man and smiled. "Thanks, that means a lot. I'm happy to have my skills approved by an S-class wizard."

"We can head on back if you like. I'm sure you must be tired."

I nodded. "I am. I could use a nap or even a nice, warm bath."

"Now there's just the matter of you and Bixlow."

I kept my head forward to hide my now red face. "W-What matter?"

"Oh, come on, don't play dumb," Laxus said with a laugh. "I've seen the way you two act around each other."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I stuttered out.

The hodra suddenly stopped with a grunt. Laxus and I both looked ahead to see a bald man. He stood silently in our path.

I frowned and called out, "Hey, you! Get out of our way!"

The man bent down and punched the ground, yelling, "Acid Pillar!"

Pillars of a purple liquid spouted up from the ground. The hodra reared up with a frightful squeal, knocking us off its back and running away. After I stood back up, I glared at the man, noticing his guild mark imprinted on the side of his bald head.

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