Astral x Male! Ghost! Reader - Take Care

Start from the beginning

At that, M/N laughed and scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"...How did you die, M/N?"

The silence descended again.

"...I'm not the right person to tell you that, Astral."

Astral blinked. In that brief moment, M/N was gone.

The next time Astral and M/N spoke, it was the day before the semi-finals of the World Duel Carnival.

"It's been a while," M/N was upside down in the air above Yuma's hammock, his legs crossed, while his arms were crossed behind his head, "How've you been?"

"Everything has been fine," Astral kept staring at Yuma, "Yuma is improving as duelist."

M/N smirked.

"Is he? I haven't noticed much change..."

"How long have you been here?"

M/N flipped the right way up.

"Hm...Five or four months, five or take."

"That's not long," Astral's mismatched gaze flickered to M/N for a second, "Di you know the Tsukumo family personally?"

M/N looked uncomfortable.

"You could say that."

"Then why don't they talk about you?"

"Easier that way, I guess," M/N made an attempt at changing the subject, "Are you two really ready for the big leagues?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see."

M/N smiled at him, but Astral could sense that it was forced.

"Say hi to Kite for me."

M/N left.

M/N returned a day after they'd won the Duel Carnival and defeated Dr Faker.

"What a duel."

"Was it?" Astral folded his arms, hovering on his back, "I see why you would think that."

"Yuma used to be absolutely terrible at dueling. But you already knew that."

"I thought I wouldn't be able to do anything to change him."

"Well, you did," M/N clapped his hands with a smirk, "Yay for you!"

Astral smirked.

"Yes, yay for me."

M/N floated over, and stuck his face close to Astral's, the red on his shirt standing out more than usual.

"How was Kite?"

"He was fine."

"Did you tell him I said hi?"

Astral met M/N's gaze, staring into his bright E/C eyes. He couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"I wasn't able to talk to him."

M/N chuckled.

"Oh well," He moved away from the blue spirit, "See ya."

He disappeared, leaving Astral confused, like usual.

"Yuma," Astral was feeling rave enough to ask. Even better, Kite had come to the Tsukumo residence for dinner. Shark didn't make it. He was with Rio in the hospital, "I need to ask you something. And you too, Kite."

"Yeah? What is it, Astral?" The two boys turned to the spirit.

Astral took a deep breath.

"Who is M/N?"

The entire atmosphere in the room changed in a moment. Yuma dropped the cards he was holding, his red eyes wide. Kite swallowed, closing his eyes tightly and leaning back.

"H-How do y-you..?"

"Astral," Kite was clearly struggling to stay in control, "How do you know    M/N?"

"His soul..." Astral trailed off. Would they really want to know that M/N wandered the house alone every day? "His spirit still wanders this house. We talk. He makes good company."

M/N had appeared in the room. He sat behind Astral, but he wasn't smirking like usual. He looked sad, incredibly sad.

"He's...He's still here?"


"Where is he?!" Yuma jumped up, eyes wild, "Where is he?! Is he here?! M/N!"

"He's here, Yuma," Astral said gently, "He's with us."

M/N floated over, and placed his transparent hands on Yuma's shoulders, and lowered himself down to the younger boy's height.

"I'm here, Yuma." He said softly, nudging their foreheads together.

Yuma sniffed, rubbing tears from his eyes with his fists.

"B-Big brother..."

Astral's eyes widened. Kite walked over to Yuma, and stared at the, to them, blank space before them.

"I'm sorry, M/N. I miss you too," Kite took a deep breath, trying to stop shaking, "What I'm trying to say is...You didn't deserve to die. The bastards that took you away..."

Kite coughed, trying to disguise a sob. He hid his eyes behind his sleeve.

"Yuma," Astral looked at M/N, who looked like he was about to cry, "How did M/N die?"

Yuma gulped, trying to stifle his tears.

"He was attacked by a gang...I don't think they meant to kill him, but..."

Kite laughed tearfully.

"Didn't mean to? Yuma, they kicked him and punched him for no reason. Then one of them stabbed him. They wanted to murder him. They killed your brother."

Yuma whimpered, hiding his face.

"M/N..." Astral stared at M/N with wide, disbelieving eyes, "You're..."

Yuma gasped loudly, and Kite could only stare.


M/N was visible to his younger brother and friend. He was outlined in gold, shining bright in the dull light of the attic.

"Yuma...Kite...Astral..." M/N raised a hand and stared at it with teary eyes as he began to fade, an he smiled. A real smile this time, strong and pure, "Take care, okay?"

And, just like those brief visits before, M/N was gone. Not in a shower of sparkles. He didn't walk through a wall.

He was gone. Just like that.

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