Chapter 1

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"Hey Collie! where the hell are you taking me?"

"I swear you're gonna love it..."

"Argh! At least mention so I can drool on it already"

"Hold your horses' girl! You'll see for yourself..."

I was deadly frustrated because for some reason I hate surprises and right now I was being kidnapped by my BFF and she was taking me to some freaky party I really didn't want to be at.

Wait up a sec! Is she....

"Collie, are you taking me to Austin Blake's party?"

"Right on girl!" she grinned at me.

"But that's the last place I wanna be right now!"

"That's the only place on fire in the town now. we've gotta be there."

"Look, If Seth invited you there, I'd be happy if you go with him, but I'm not desperate to attend a loser's party!"

"Andy! Please... Seth is Austin's best friend, I can't not go... and you are my best friend so I can't leave you! Plus... Seth wanted you to be there too..."

"Right." I frowned, crossed my arms around my chest and sat back. We still had a long way to go and Collie wasn't gonna leave me.

"Trust me... you'll enjoy every bit of it." She grinned mischiveously.

Okay so here's the story of why I was getting all anti-Austin party.

Austin Blake Carlson is like the most popular, hot, sexy jock - football captain - of my school and he's a loser because he uses every other girl who throws herself on him and he'd practically slept with 90% girls of our school.

The rest of the 10%, also called SAV (Still A Virgin a.k.a untouched by Austin) includes me, Collie and a group of emo girls and those who are ugly... according to him.

And let me tell you. Collie escaped his bed because she was his best friend Seth's girlfriend since like forever! And I on the other hand, never threw myself on him so I was safe... for now.

"Andy! What are you doing?" Collie said each word separately through her teeth, startling me.


"You are talking to yourself!"

I shook my head, noticing that we have stopped and got out of the car. Collie came and stood next to me setting her hair.

"Now wear a good face 'cause Seth is coming this way." She plastered a grin on her face and I sighed frustratingly.

"Babes!" Seth hugged Collie just as he came. "You look hot!" Collie just giggled and they starting kissing like nuts.

"You guys just met in the morning right? So give it a break!"

Seth grinned at me and wrapped his arm around Collie's waist. They weren't kissing now but were grinning at each other like retards.

"So Seth... Collie tells me you want me to be here, any special occasion?" I asked quickly.

"Uh yeah... I'm hooking you up with Austin." He said carelessly.

"What? Are you out of your friggin' mind?"

"Why? what's wrong?"

"Wrong? Austin is the last guy I wanna get with!"

HELL NO!!! I'm Never Gonna Get Married To You!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora