My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

          “That’s all we have under this roof.” Drake said while ending the tour in the attic which barely looked like one. I imagined attics to be a little bit like store rooms. Apparently Drake’s family likes keeping everything fancy and expensive. Who knows how much cash they have left to spare after all this?

          “That’s all? I think this is more than enough.” I laughed humorlessly. “You’re actually used to this kind of environment?”

          “You could say that. I’ve been living in big houses since I was a kid so this is pretty normal to me.”

          Rich kid.

          “Hey, you didn’t show me your room yet.” I pointed out.

          “Ha-ha, right. I was thinking that you’d ask.” He beamed. “Of course I’d show you my room but I just decided to ignore it first until I’m done with this tour.”

          “Well, we’re done.” I said.

          “Patience, Kate.” He laughed. “Alright, come this way.”

          He leaded me down two flights of stairs and to the doorstep of his room. I took a moment to visualize how his room would look like. Messy? Neat? Expensive? Modest? Anything is possible, but for a character like Drake I don’t know what to expect really.

          “What are you waiting for?” I urged jokingly. “I’m excited to see it!”

          “I just stopped for a few seconds, you know, for a dramatic effect.” He chuckled.

          ‘Seriously?” I gave him an indifferent look as he opens the room door. I stepped in and took a great look at it. “The size of your room is like the size of my house!”

          “Gosh Kate, I never knew that you would be so dramatic.” He gave me a crooked smile. “It’s big I know, but I hardly need so much space so feel free to run around.”

          “Run around in your room? I’d rather not.” I said while glancing around the room. A huge bed sat in the middle of the room, there were knick-knacks everywhere, I spotted his expensive MacBook on his desk and just like any other rooms in the house, it looks expensive and golden. Well, I’m not quite sure if golden is the right word but everything looks as expensive as gold.

        “Oh right, I have to give my mom a call. She doesn’t know that I have guests here.” He smiled. “You can just hang around here if you want, I’ll be right back.”

          Drake had disappeared instantly after that. Hmm, well, this is pretty awkward. I’m now standing in the middle of a room that belongs to a guy, and this place is so big that I don’t know where to go, and Drake didn’t tell me to do anything, because I’m so unfamiliar I just don’t know what to do. Great, this is one of those clueless times again.

          I decided to walk around the room, checking out the tiny details. It’s not like I have anything better to do anyway. While looking around something on Drake’s desk had caught my eye (no it wasn’t the MacBook even though it does look pretty shiny and stuff).The next thing I knew I was absentmindedly looking through his belongings.Yes I know that I have a very bad habit of invading another’s privacy (like Alex’s shoebox) but it’s really tempting, really.

          Oh, what’s this?

          My eye caught onto a piece of photograph. Great, more photographs. Wait a minute…isn’t  this…?

          I could hear my heart beating loudly in my ears. This can’t be true. This must be some sort of joke. This…this picture…? Why on earth does Drake have pictures of Alex and me?! Was he stalking us?! These were taken since the day we started talking. I looked through all the pictures quickly. I didn’t know what was happening in my mind. Why the pictures?!

          My attention fell onto one particular picture, and not just any picture. This picture was the one on the paper. This picture was the one the public used to accuse me of sleeping with him. This picture was the reason why I nearly got expelled. This picture…

          Oh. My. Gosh.

          It was Drake. It was Drake all along.

          My hand started moving on it’s own. It somehow fell onto a recorder and I had absent-mindedly played it. I didn’t know why, but I was at such a shocked state that I wasn’t thinking straight anymore. As the recorder played I could feel myself getting more and more insane by the second. This isn’t any ordinary recorded tape, Drake was recording the conversation that Alex and I had, the one that Alex told me everything about his family background and his personal issues. He was eavesdropping. He heard everything. He was spying on us.

          Drake was framing me!

          I should’ve known that he was behind everything. I should’ve known that he was up to no good. I should’ve known…everything! Why would he do such a thing?! For money?!

          The door flew open suddenly and I was paralyzed right there and then. Drake looked from me to the pictures in my hands and that’s when I realized what was happening.

          Oh no. Something tells me that this isn’t going to end well.


Hey guys, so this is going to be yet another notice. Sorry, I never seem to run out of it :\

I've decided that I will NOT be writing a sequel for UP and MCH. Sorry guys, please don't be dissapointed! I realized that the story can't be extended anymore, it's either a bad sequel or no sequel at all :(

THE GOOD NEWS IS...I am working on a third story!!! :D YAY! Okay so I'm not sure when the third story will be posted, it could be after I'm done with both MCH and UP, and like I mentioned earlier I will FOREVER keep my characters alive, SOOO, even though there's no sequel, you guys will still be able to find Alex and Kate in my third story :D they won't be the main characters anymore though, but I will feature them in my future stories :)

Now, it is completely your decision if you wanna read my coming-soon third story, it is not related to MCH if that's what you're wondering, it's a completely new and different thing ;) I do hope you guys will read it once it's posted though, that would make my day :D I have a feeling that it'll be better than MCH, at least I hope x)

Thanks for all your support guys! (have you watched the trailier yet?? :D)


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