Chapter • 49

Zacznij od początku

y / n : of course, what time? x

mom : i'm not sure yet, I'll message you later when I have the specific time. xx

y / n : okay mom, love you x

mom : love you more xxx


I switched my phone of completely before opening the door and hopping into my car, then starting the engine.

c a m e r o n

"Can we just put it on now?" Gilinsky groaned, gorging his face with multiple handfuls of Doritos.

"No, she'll be here soon, you fucking pig." Jc replied chuckling slightly,  snatching the Doritos from Gilinsky before looking into the large packet and seeing them nearly all gone, making Kian, Nash and I laugh.

Knock Knock

"...And that's her." I smiled joyfully, getting up from the couch and walking towards the entrance of my house.

I opened the door slowly, hiding behind it in hope of scaring her. I watched as her the toe of her Old Skool's peeped from around the corner of the door. 

"Hello?-" She began speaking with a soft voice, until I-

"RAHH!" I growled jokingly, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her backwards into my chest.

She gasped sharply, a sigh of relief leaving her lips as she saw it was me, "Don't do that to me! asshole." She spoke, laughter dripping through her words.

I laughed before spinning her around and holding her in a tight embrace, inhaling her sweet, yet floral, scent before Kian, Jc, Nash and Jack all came from the living room to greet her.

I watched as she walked away to the others, slipping her cardigan of and placing it onto the stair banister, revealing her incredible figure and making my eyes trail down her back.

who knew a back could be so attractive?

"Jc!" Y/N smiled ecstatically, looking at how much Jc's change since the last time she saw him before Jc engulfed her into a compassionate, friendly hug.

"Y/N, Jesus Christ, when the last time I saw you?" Jc smiled, looking practically astonished by the way Y/N presented herself. I believe the last time Jc saw her was at the Christmas party last year, only because Y/N's either away when Jc's here, or Jc's here when Y/N's away.

Coincidental and confusing, isn't it.

"Ugh..Gilinsky..." She joked, lazily throwing her arms around him, facing her head away from him as to say she wasn't interested in even looking at him.

"Bluegh...I could say the same, Y/L/N" Jack spoke, repeating her actions and plugging his nose, mimicking that she smelt repulsive or odious, making me and Nash laugh. 

"And it's the Grier kid." She smiled, punching him in the arm.

"And it's the Y/L/N kid..." Nash replied with laughter, punching her lightly in the arm, before bringing her into a firm embrace.

After everyone had greeted each other, Kian left himself until last, "Look who it is..." He smiled, bringing her slim frame into a hug. He pulled her tightly into his chest, the smile on her face proving evidently that she felt safe and warm.

y / n

"Look who it is...' Kian smiled, outstretching his arms so that I was able to hug him. 

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