Chapter 33

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[A/N]: LAST CHAPTER *cries* BEFORE THE EPILOGUE. This chapter is dedicated to Bexalator58 for making the adorable edit in the multimedia! THAT BAXTER IS SO CUTE. I JUST.

August 23rd, 2015

There were far more people at Chris and Zayn's wedding then there had been at Niall and Liam's and my and Harry's combined. Chris had, like I had expected, chosen Harry to be his best man, and Zaynhad chosen me. Liam and Niall were put in charge of arranging everything and making sure everything was going the way it was supposed to, yet they were also groomsmen. Niall was Zayn's and Liam was Chris'. Fionna was intended to be a flower girl, but she was more entertained with putting the flower petals in her mouth and on her head rather than dropping them.

Harry was trying to explain to her how to throw them, picking up a few petals and dropping them on the floor, "Like this, my beebee..."

"No!" she screeched in horror, putting them back into the basket frantically. "No..."

Harry gave a fond sigh, kissing Fionna's nose and rising to his feet. She plopped down on the floor in her lovely little white dress with the blue ribbon, daintily grabbing a flower petal and placing it on her head with a proud grin. I was standing near the bathroom, waiting for Zayn to come out so I could make sure his tie was straight. The poor man was nervous, and was feeling a bit queasy.

My mother entered the room, a whimpering Elijah in her arms, and she smiled at me, "Oh Daddy! You have a baby boy that is looking for you!"

I grinned largely, holding my arms out for him, "My Elijah!"

"Shah?" Fionna looked up from her petals eagerly, and then craned her arms up to Harry eagerly. "Peas, peas!"

Harry laughed, scooping her up and carrying her over to join us just as I reached for Elijah. He was looking around behind my mother at the sound of Harry and I, and his whimpers had turned into quick little huffs. My mum handed him over, and his little face lit up as he saw me, "Dee, Dee!"

My face matched his, I was certain, and Harry cooed as I pulled the squirming baby boy into my arms. Being nearly four months old, Elijah was starting to say my and Harry's names, mimicking both us and Fionna, but all he could manage was "Dee" for "Dahey". He could, however, babble "Dada" repeatedly, and he liked to do so quite frequently.

"Hello, beebee 'Lijah," I giggled. He pushed himself back from my shoulder, his little head barely wobbly anymore as he looked at my face with extreme interest. "I know you like looking in mirrors, so is that why you like to look at me? My beebee look-alike."

"Just loves you," Harry cooed. "Are his Daddy..."

"Shah!" Fionna squealed, pointing at the beebee boy. "Lob, Shah."

"Oh yes, we love Elijah," I agreed, kissing his little forehead. He gave me an even larger smile, and my mother cooed.

"Harry, love... how is Chris holding up?" she asked curiously.

"His dad is helping?" Harry explained. "Said I could come see my Feenna for a bit. But I helped him with his suit and told him that it was okay to be nervous because I was nervous when I married my Louis. Told him it was so worth being nervous when I saw my Louis after waiting all day."

"Hey!" a higher voice crowed from the doorway, and we all turned to find Baxter beaming at us.

"Oh hi, Baxie!" my mother cooed, leaning down to pick up the little guy. He smiled at her largely, his little tail wagging wildly. "Where are your daddies?"

"Uh..." his brow furrowed, but then he shook his head. "Nuh-no..."

"You nuh-no, huh?" my mother chuckled. "Well let's go find them, shall we? Louis can Elijah stay with you for a bit?"

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now