Chapter 2

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[A/N]: :D Hiiii! I'm glad to still have so many of you with me after three books, now working on a fourth xD This chapter is dedicated to MichelleMarin9 for making me the multimedia!

[Louis' P.O.V]

Apparently, my and Harry's conversation from the night before led to some pretty interesting dreams, because I woke up slightly sweating and a tad freaked out. In my dream, Harry had been about five months pregnant, his tummy large like it'd been with Fionna. At first, I hadn't seen Fionna in my dream, so I figured maybe I was dreaming that she hadn't been born yet, but then a curly haired little girl was toddling around me on clumsy and chubby legs, adorable little black ears poking up from her curls. 

However, a weight that writhed, kicked, and screeched in annoyance on my chest woke me up. My hands subconsciously rose to pull the tiny form closer to me as I sat up, and then I realised it was Fionna and it was nearly 9AM and the poor baby was probably hungry. Harry was somehow sleeping soundly beside me, his stomach not at all large. I knew the boy had previously been snuggled close against me, and I was surprised he hadn't woken up when I'd jolted into a sitting position with Fionna.

"Goodmorning, beebee," I cooed to the baby in my arms. "Let's get you some breakfast and let Dada sleep." 

"Dadadadada-" she attempted to gurgle loudly, but I cuddled her closer, swung my legs over the side of the bed, and rushed from the room. 

"Is that going to be your favorite thing to say now?" I chuckled, carrying her into the kitchen with me and using one arm to curl under her little bottom, letting her lean against the crook of my elbow so I could wander around the kitchen and prepare her a bottle.

She babbled, sucking on her fingers and then leaning her head against my shoulder. I cooed, placing the bottle nipple onto the bottle and shaking it with one hand as I cuddled my snuggly baby with my other arm. She kicked her little feet in excitement, and I pressed a kiss in between her tiny ears. We went to find Lucy while we let her bottle cool a bit, only to find the lazy cat asleep on the couch. 

A knock on the door made me jump, and Fionna squealed in amusement. I glanced down at Fionna's ears, suddenly feeling quite afraid of opening it and exposing my tiny baby's ears, but I hurried to the door to peer out the peep hole, anyway. A tattooed and scrub wearing man sporting a dark-haired quiff was waiting impatiently on the other side, and I was quick to unlock the door. 

"Took you long enough," Zayn laughed, walking in and reaching instantly for Fionna. "Little niece!" 

Fionna stared blankly at Zayn, and I chuckled, "She is unamused, uncle Zayn."

"Aww, c'mon!" Zayn pleaded, poking his tongue out in attempts to make Fionna laugh. "You know me!" 

She turned and hid her face in my neck, and I cuddled her closer, "Aww... it's okay Daddy's beebee..."

"Oh yes," Harry's voice giggled sleepily from the hall, and I turned to see the boy walk into the room, my phone pressed to his ear. "Said Dada yesterday. After her dinner!" 

Fionna was instantly twisting to look for Harry, and Zayn closed the door behind us as I hurried to greet the younger lad with a good morning hug, kissing his temple. Fionna screeched, her face lighting up in a large grin as I finally adjusted her so she could see her Dada. Harry reached out with a smile, gently booping her nose to make her giggle and squirm. 

"Is that my mum?" I asked him, and he nodded. 

"Louis is here now... you are wanting to talk to him?" Harry asked into the phone, waiting a moment. "Okay. Here is my Louis... love you, too, Jay." 

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant