Chapter 30

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[A/N]: I hope this has been emotional, I'm trying to make it emotional but idk sdfjkshfkjds also this is dedicated to xxbastilleismylifexx  BECAUSE THEY MADE THIS VERY EMOTIONAL PICTURE I CRY.

[Louis' P.O.V]

I woke up confused and then panicked, because I didn't want to have slept, I wanted to stay up and keep an eye on Fionna. I moved my arms to pull her closer, expecting her to be snuggled still where she'd fallen asleep and feeling slightly surprised she hadn't woken up in the middle of the night, and then it was with startling realisation that I noticed she wasn't there. 

Panic spiked through me as I rocketed up, "Fionna?!" 

"Dahey," came the response, and my head snapped to the side, finding Fionna sitting in front of the toys by the door. 

I bolted up, rushing over to scoop her up and clutch her close in relief, "Oh beebee, you scared me... you have to stay close to Daddy..." 

"M'goo..." she squeaked, her little ears flattening. 

"Yes," I whispered, kissing her temple. "You're good... Daddy loves you so much." 

"Lob!" she squealed, giving me an open mouthed kiss on my cheek. 

"Thank you my sweet little beebee," I hummed. "Let's change your nappy, yes? And then we can play with some toys."

"Lin-key?" she asked hopefully. 

"No... not yet, Feenna," I sighed, kissing her temple sadly. She made a pouting face, playing with the fabric of my shirt. I used my foot to scoot the pile of toys closer to the bed, and then Fionna and I grabbed a nappy and some baby wipes so we could go into the bathroom and give her a nappy change. I eyed the sink, wondering if it was big enough to fit Fionna in for a bath, but I figured that since we didn't have her baby shampoo for extra sensitive skin that I shouldn't risk drying her skin out. She babbled away to me as I changed her diaper, and I occasionally made small sounds of agreement to let her know I was listening even though I wasn't exactly understanding. 

"Dahey key... Dada key... bee?" she asked catching me by surprise. Yet another word to add to the baby book that I didn't have. 

"What about a bee, my Feenna?" I hummed. 

She grabbed at her own shirt, pulling at it excitedly, "Bee! M'goo bee!" 

My eyebrows lifted, "Beebee, little Kitten? Is that what you mean?" 

"Bee! Bee!" she crowed, taking deep breaths between each one. 

"Beebee," I cooed. "My good beebee..." 

"M'goo beebee," she gurgled happily, and I slipped her little pants onto her legs and helped her sit up. 

"You are such a smart little beebee, too! Always make Daddy so proud." 

I scooped her up to wash our hands in the sink, and then we went back to sit by the bed and play with her pile of toys. She picked up toys one by one, placing them in my lap before giggling and removing them again. Her hair was still all fuzzy from sleep, and I couldn't resist reaching to smooth it down. Harry's hair always did the exact same thing, his curls wild after sleep. Particularly if the night before had been... intimate. His cheeks would have a sleepy pink tint, his lips pouty, and his forehead would have a red mark from where he'd have pressed it to me. And I missed him more than anything.

"Dahey," Fionna huffed impatiently, drawing my attention back to her. "Key?" 

"What about a ducky, baby?" I asked her softly. 

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now