Chapter 27

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[Louis' P.O.V]

Bringing our baby boy home should have been a happy time, maybe an exhausting time since we had two babies that demanded our attention, but instead we were too busy worrying about Kyle and how he had claimed to have exposed us. It didn't help our nerves when my mother and sisters went home. With my mother around, we didn't feel as panicked leaving the sleeping babies while we showered together since she could watch them. She'd even watched our babies while we went to get Harry's stitches removed, gave us ten minute texts the entire time we were gone to ensure us that our babies were safe with us gone for the short hour. But with her gone, one of us would have to keep an eye on them if the other needed to shower or use the restroom or go somewhere. We learned from past experience with Fionna that the baby monitors didn't allow us to keep track of our babies.

My mother left two days after we'd brought Elijah home, and Liam, Niall, and Baxter came to stay with us for a bit then. We all stood in the entryway to say our goodbyes, Harry chewing nervously on his bottom lip, "Could just stay one more day, maybe, Jay? Is so nice with you here..."

"I wish I could, love, but the girls have school and I have work..." she sighed.

"We'll be here," Niall pointed out. The blonde dog boy was holding Elijah, swaying slightly with him while Baxter played with Fionna and her blocks on the carpet. "We'll help you watch the babies, mate, it'll be alright."

Harry looked nervous, "I do not know..."

"It'll be okay," Daisy patted Harry's hand soothingly, giving him a gentle hug around his middle and being careful of his slightly sore stomach.

The rest of the girls followed suit, hugging Harry and then moving to hug me. They'd each already gotten to say goodbye to Fionna and gotten to hold Elijah on the couch, yet they were still reluctant as my mother ushered them out the door towards the vehicle. She hugged Harry and me at the same time, stealing one last kiss to Elijah's forehead as she passed Niall to give Fionna a kiss as well.

"Goodbye, all of you," she made a kissy face as she departed out the door. "Love you, see you soon. Send me updates!"

And then she was gone, leaving Harry and I in slight fear. Niall offered Elijah back to Harry, who took our baby boy gratefully, "Thank you, Niall."

"Just try not to worry yourself, Harry," Liam called. He was seated in the recliner, watching the babies play on the floor. "We're here to help, and it's been a few days since Kyle was here and nothing's happened yet."

"Was like two weeks and then Ella..." Harry begin with a whimper, but then he shook his head. "But this is not Ella, no, Ella is gone. We were exposed."

"Elijah is what, a week old?" Niall pointed out. "Nothing's happened so far, no one's even knocked on the door being nosy! We all know Kyle is a moron."

"Hate him so much," Harry seethed, but his eyes flickered onto the baby in his arms who had noticeably stiffened at the change in Harry. "Oh no, my baby, it is okay... do not worry, I am sorry. Should not act so mean towards people if I am holding you. Do not want to scare my baby boy."

At that moment, Baxter reached over and plucked Fionna's block from her hands, effectively sending Fionna into loud screeches and ending their playtime together as Fionna pushed herself up and away from him and toddled at us pitifully, "Das, das!"

I fought a giggle as I leaned to lift her into my arms, "Oh my poor Feenna, did Baxter take your block?"

"Baxter James Payne," Liam said scoldingly, and Baxter's ears flattened.

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now