Chapter 13 (slightly mature)

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[A/N]: Hey guys! I'm sorry it's taking me so long to update just ksjfksdfks I used to be so good at it you feel me? I just don't want to disappoint you all with slow updates, SO IM GOING TO UPDATE. This chapter is dedicated to ThePayneOfHiding for making the awesome Harry in the multimedia THAT I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT BECAUSE IM THAT MUCH OF A LOSER and now let's do this!

[Louis' P.O.V]

Christmas morning, Fionna was stolen off my chest by Lottie and taken into the kitchen for breakfast. However, by the time Harry and I rolled out of bed, Fionna was already pouting in her highchair and refusing to eat her breakfast. I leaned against the doorway of the kitchen with Harry leaning against my side, one hand on his belly, and watched my mum and sisters coo to Fionna in attempts to make her eat, but Fionna turned her head away and whined in frustration at them.

"Why aren't you hungry, Fi?" Felicity asked with a groan.

"She is hungry," I chuckled. "She's just not a morning person if she gets woken up. If she wakes herself up she's fine."

Fionna squealed at the sound of my voice, trying to lean around the other girls to see me. I giggled, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek before crouching down and walking slowly up behind them, and then I popped up just at the last moment. She shrieked, "Dahey!"

"Hello, my beebee!" I cooed, and she screamed even louder, flailing her tiny limbs around and reaching for me.

"Oh no," I booped her nose. "Beebee Bean has to eat her breakfast."

My mother laughed at me, having been watching from where she was making pancakes, "Good morning Louis and Harry. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, mum," I grinned, moving to give her a hug. Harry was close behind me, hugging her as well.

"Merry Christmas, Jay!"

"Dahey!" Fionna squealed insistently. "Dadadadada-"

"Hello, Dada's baby," Harry cooed, retreating to her and hugging the girls that gently flung their arms around him and rubbed at his belly.

I joined Harry in front of the highchair, "Feenna needs to eat some food!"

"Maow," she told me, almost sincerely.

I looked around the kitchen in confusion, "I don't see Lucy... and I don't think you'd want your stuffed kitty to eat."

"Lucy is in the living room," Harry told me with a chuckle as he smoothed down Fionna's curls and gently stroked at her ears. "Likes the tree."

"Ahh," I laughed, pulling a chair out from the table for Harry, motioning for him to sit. "I forget she likes the Christmas tree. Here baby, you sit here and I'll get you and our baby boy Pumpkin your medicine and some food."

"Will feed our Feenna," Harry offered.

Felicity nodded, pointing to a bowl of puree apples and mangos in one of Fionna's little bowls along with her rubber spoon, "She'll probably eat for you."

Fionna flashed her two toothed smile at Felicity, reaching for her hair until she backed up a few steps. Harry frowned disapprovingly, "No hair, Feenna."

"No," Fionna crowed.

"No hair," Harry repeated.


From the living room, there came a squalled, "Yes!"

Harry giggled, turning slightly to look towards the kitchen doorway, "I am thinking that Baxter is here."

Niall popped his head in the door, Baxter tucked in a blanket in his arms, "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas," we all managed to chuckle in unison.

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now