Chapter 8

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[A/N]: AND WE DANCED ALL NIGHT TO THE BEST SONG EVER... I love The Direction! That is all. But seriously. The new music video sdifsdkfjsdkf. This chapter is dedicated to Menzie98 for making me the adorable multimedia! :D

[Louis' P.O.V]

Three days later, I had once again taken off of work to take Harry to Dr. Shell's for his and Pumpkin Seed's check-up. Usually, Harry was the first to wake up on check-up days, but I was awoken by a squirming baby that was gurgling happily. I wrapped my arms gently around Fionna so she wouldn't roll off, and I stretched stiffly, "Good morning, Daddy's Feenna."

Harry suddenly giggled next to me, and I glanced over to find him staring at us lovingly. He blushed, "Hi."

"Good morning, lovely," I stretched to kiss his lips, and he giggled. 

"Good morning," he told me fondly before looking to Fionna. "Morning Bean!"

"I think our Fionna is ready to go get her little brother or sister's check-up," I chuckled. "But first we need to feed her and Dada, right Feenna?" 

"Am not really hungry, though," Harry murmured. 

"You need to eat something love," I frowned. "Or even with your medicine you might feel sick later." 

"Will eat for my Pumpkin," Harry nodded, sitting up and holding his arms out for Fionna. She simply giggled, stuffing a few of her fingers in her mouth. Harry reached out and poked her tummy, and she shrieked.

I slid the baby girl over to Harry, standing and stretching, "What does Pumpkin want for breakfast, do you think?" 

"Thinks that eggs sound not good," Harry said thoughtfully. "Maybe just some applesauce." 

"Feenna might like some of her baby applesauce, too!" I grinned, looking to the back that leaned against Harry. "Right Feenna?" 

She screamed like she did when she was excited, and Harry laughed, "Think that is yes." 

Lucy trotted into the room, meowing hungrily, and Fionna grew wide eyed, softly squeaking, "Maow..." 

"Lucy has to eat her kitty food," I announced, scooping up the black cat as Harry stood with Fionna. "No applesauce for Lucy." 

Harry and I made our way into the kitchen, and I fed Lucy as Harry slid Fionna into her highchair, strapping her safely into it. I brought over one of Fionna's tiny baby bowls, her rubber spoon, and a jar of apple baby food before I got Harry and myself a bowl of applesauce along with Harry's medicine. We all sat at the table, Harry feeding Fionna while I fed him and myself. Harry grinned suddenly, looking down at his shirtless belly, "When Pumpkin Seed is born, you will feed one baby and I will feed the other!" 

"It'll be a bit crazy around here sometimes," I agreed. "But it'll be worth it." 

Harry's nose suddenly scrunched, and he murmured, "Oh..." 

His gaze fell onto Fionna, and she cooed at him. And then the smell was hitting my nose, and I lifted my eyebrows, "Someone needs a nappy change, hmm?" 

"Think..." Harry croaked. "That I might be sick." 

"Your sense of smell is probably sensitive," I stood quickly, offering him help up to lead him from the room. "Go wash up in the bathroom, maybe? Take a quick bath, baby?" 

"Kay," Harry nodded, walking down the hall and clutching his stomach. 

I turned back around to look at Fionna. She was kicking her legs and frowning, and I hurried over to unbuckle her and lift her into my arms, "You are one stinky Bean." 

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now