Chapter 6

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[A/N]: Hello, my friends! :D Your comments crack my shit up, I love reading them xD ANYWHOSER this chapter is dedicated to TheToothFairy94 again because LOOK AT THE MULTIMEDIA IT'S FEENNAAAA.

[Louis' P.O.V]

Fionna was still gurgling fussily as I Harry and I walked hand and hand into the flat. Once I'd set her carrier down inside, Harry leaned to unbuckle her. I gently placed a hand on his back, "I'll get her and I'll hand her to you, lovely." 

"Am already down here," Harry insisted. "Will just get her instead."

"Dadadada," Fionna garbled. 

"You have to start taking it easier now, baby..." I murmured. "For yourself and for the little Pumpkin Seed growing inside you."

Harry's brow furrowed as he stood back up with Fionna, "Could have hurt my Pumpkin doing that?" 

"You could strain yourself and then we'd have a problem," I explained, stroking a few stray curls off of his forehead.

The younger lad's face grew worried, and he shifted Fionna in his arms so he could reach a hand out for me, "You will tell me what to do and what not to do? Do not want to hurt our new baby, Louis! Hasn't even grown that long, just learned about today!" 

I felt guilty then, because my worry was worrying Harry. If he was worried throughout his entire pregnancy then that was no better on him. I leaned and kissed his lips softly before kissing Fionna's head, "You're not limited quite yet... but when your tummy starts growing, I really don't want you bending." 

"How... have to take care of Fionna though," Harry looked worried as he cuddled Fionna closer. "Oh no, Dada's little Kitten needs to know she is loved, too! Do not want her thinking I do not love her!" 

"She'll know you love her," I hushed. "I just... I'm sorry, Harry, I'm a bit more scared with this pregnancy than I was with Fionna." 

"I know my Louis," Harry sighed. "Did not really want to have more babies with Harry, but-" 

"No!" I shook my head quickly. "Kitten, I would love if we could have as many babies as you want, I love babies, but you're a boy and it's hard on your body... and if your body is weak, then that's why our baby wouldn't make it." 

"Has to make it," Harry said firmly. 

"I agree... let's get you some food," I murmured. 

"Fionna is hungry, you think?" he asked softly, moving the little girl into a cradled position. She was gumming at her pacifier pitifully.

Frowning, I opened back up the flat door to step outside, "I'm gonna grab her the teething ring Niall gave us from the car." 

I hurried to retrieve the blue ring, and as I entered the flat again and shut the door behind me, Harry was in the recliner and talking softly to Fionna, "Dada loves you, little Kitten, he does! And Dada loves his little Pumpkin Seed. I think you will love little Pumpkin Seed, too, Feenna." 

Lucy jumped onto the arm of the chair with Harry and Fionna, curling up on Harry's lap as Fionna whined and continued to gum at her pacifier. I hurried into the kitchen to try and get my emotion into check. Harry already positively loved the little baby inside him, and I couldn't help but love it as well. But that just meant that if something were to happen, it'd be all the more difficult to accept. 

As I started boiling water to clean the teething ring, I recalled the time Dr. Shell had been unable to find Fionna's heartbeat. The first thing Harry did was blame himself, when really no one would have been able to stop it from happening. But if we lost the little pumpkin seed sized baby, it would undoubtedly be my fault for not making sure Harry was healthy enough, because the boy had done so much for Fionna that it had been hard on him, in the long run. And now with one and half babies, Harry was going to be working even harder to take care of what he loved. 

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now