Chapter 32

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[A/N]: SORRY I'M A LOSER. I'm selfish and updated Wanted Most twice. But this is next here you are. Dedicated to @flyingoverolympus for the cool edit in the multimedia! :)

[Louis' P.O.V]

"Uh... Maow."

My eyes fluttered open, and like usual upon waking up, I briefly panicked. I jolted up with a gasp, but instead of being in a white carpeted room with a small bed in a corner, I was back in my and Harry's room. Harry had Elijah sleeping soundly on his chest, his beautiful face peaceful looking. His cheeks were pink with sleep, and his lips were slightly parted. Elijah was on his little side, his head tucked up under Harry's chin as he made cute little huffing sounds in his sleep. His little ears twitched occasionally. Fionna was sitting between us groggily, sucking at her Maow's ear. It all came flooding back then, how it had been over two weeks since I'd made it back to my family. Everything was back to normal again, everyone was safe. I was just still having problems sleeping.

"C'mere, Feenna," I cooed, reaching for her and pulling her into my lap. I glanced at the clock, wincing as I realised it was only 7:50am. Harry needed to sleep longer, so I kissed him and Elijah both on their cheeks and slipped down the hall with Fionna to get us both some breakfast. "We're up pretty early, hmm?"

"Yas..." she trilled, clutching to me with one hand her blankie with the other. "Dada?"

"He's sleeping with our beebee 'Lijah still," I told her. "He'll be up later. What dees my beebee Feenna want to eat?"

"Ooh..." she giggled, and I placed her in her highchair as I kissed her forehead, moving her blanket onto the chair next to her. Lucy came prancing into the room, and Fionna giggled at her. "Maow. See."

"That is Lucy, beebee!" I cooed. "You are so smart."


I poured some food into Lucy's dish, and she simply turned her nose up at it and waltzed from the room once more. Shrugging, I went to look in the fridge as I asked Fionna, "What do we want for breakfast? How about... eggs! Do we want scrambled eggs, my Feenna?"

She screeched happily, "No!"

I held a finger to my lips, giggling, "Shh... beebee, we can't wake up your Dada! I'll make us some scrambled eggs."

She babbled away from her highchair, "Bee, bee, bee, bee!"

"Daddy's beebee?" I asked her, placing a pan on the stove.


"You're not my beebee?" I made a pouting face, walking over to her while the pan heated. "You're my beebee, aren't you?"

Her ears turned to the side shyly, and she stuck her fingers into her mouth before she gurgled around them, "M'goo..."

"I know," I chuckled, booping her nose. "You're my good baby Feenna."

"My Louis?" I heard Harry call from the living room.

"In the kitchen, lovely," I called back.

He hurried into the room, our baby boy in the sling around his torso. He looked a bit worried, but at his gaze fell on me he smiled widely, "Are really home..."

I moved to hug him and Elijah before I went back to cooking eggs, kissing Harry gently and then gazing down at Elijah's confused looking little face, "Mhmm... it's been that way for two weeks now. Crazy, yeah? I'm still... still having trouble sleeping though. I don't know why that is."

"Dada!" Fionna finally screeched, having been gurgling at Harry happily but finally growing tired of him not looking at her.

"I am seeing you too, my beebee," he giggled, walking over to her and gently supporting the sling so he could lean and poke his lips out for a kiss. She obligingly gave him a slobbery open mouthed kiss back, and his nose scrunched in the adorable way that it did. "Thank you, my beebee. Now... my Louis? Are not sleeping well? Bad dreams?"

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now